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Controlling dragons


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I'm starting to think most dragons are found on mountain tops so it's not as obvious when they fly blithely through geometry. I've tried x-markers set as sky markers with a set radius and linked refs, modified combat packages, beautifully navmeshed landscape as large as you like, mountain slabs, and probably one or two other things I forget to mention.


Has anyone had success in controlling dragons - and what's the secret? I've been poking around Tamriel looking at dragon locations, but I don't see anything not present in my test arena. Except it's flat. And the dragon just dips through the geometry wherever. Then LANDS in the same place it just flew through.




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I put on my necromancer's coat and hat and resurrect my own unanswered thread, for I... have found the answer. A while ago, actually. But I thought I'd share because I'm nice that way :whistling:.


Okay, so, controlling dragons. It's actually dead easy. First, you need an custom worldspace/exterior cell. Dragons are just too awesome to be contained in your puny interior cells, no matter how epic. Seriously though, exterior cells. You need one. Create a new world space, create some land mass, add detail and objects, do your thing. I recommend making it at least 2 cells wide, give your dragon some breathing room. More is better. Now add a dragon. Don't remove the scripts on the dragon, it needs those. Save, load up skyrim, notice how your dragon happily flies through land and objects like mountains. This is bad.


So load up your custom world again, and then click menu World > Generate max height data for world. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK. Yup, that's it. That's all there is to it. Save your mod. Load it up in Skyrim. Behold the awesomeness of a dragon behaving all proper-like and not, in fact, flying through terrain and objects. Do a little happy dance. Then kill the dragon.


Note that if you change the architecture and terrain after doing this, you will have to regenerate the max height data.


I'm so chuffed I made a little video showing off a tiny part of a mod I'm working on. Which doesn't really show off the dragon behaving well with regards to architecture and terrain, but trust me, it does. Huzzah!


Edited by acidzebra
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