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For a small halloween mod

Guest KillMeTwice

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Guest KillMeTwice
Im just doing a halloween mod and I need an evernight weatherscript. But the problem is that I don't know how to script. If someone could just post here a ready evernight weatherscript I could release it before halloween. I would also want it to be full moon. One question: Are weater scripts placed to items like oblivion gates when the sky turns into oblivionstorm?
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I think you could do this by copying and editing the oblivion gate script to turn on nightsky instead of oblivion sky within a limited area, by binding the script to one object, or several objects that have their script range overlapping to cover a larger area this way. I'm not much of a scripter myself, but doing that shouldn't be too hard. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong tho.
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