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Questions about Block and Archery?


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if the damage resistance is capped at 85%? and represented by 567 armor rating, if my armor itself is at or over the cap, does blocking with a shield do anything at all? Also, how do the block perks work? I am wondering about the Shield Wall perk. Do I need any of those perks if I am going to level Block to 100 and use the best rated shield? Does 100 block skill max out my blocking ability when used with the top rated shield? In what situation would I want to take all ranks of shield wall?


Also, does a conjured bow level up archery skill? The conjuring of the bow itself would affect the conjuration skill, but would killing things with the conjured bow level archery or conjuration? And how powerful can the conjured bow get at 100 archery? or is its damage potential static?


Like I said, I know there is a damage resist cap, and I would assume a magic resist cap as well, but is there a cap as to how much damage your weapon can do?

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