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Stardew Valley

Scum Websites! Don't Be Fooled!


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As every wonderful thing that is a gift to the world, there is always a scummy person(s) who would try to exploit such a gift.


We, the modders who make these wonderful mods, love creating mods and making them free for everyone to download. We get little to no monetary gain as your gratitude and enjoyment are in the front of our minds. However there is a website trying to take advantage of players who are stealing mods from the modders who post them here on the Nexus. Their website is easy to search as it is just StardewValleyMods.


No, I'm not linking it.. it doesn't deserve you all, this website copies things made for your enjoyment and steals mods by downloading and uploading them to a host that Pays them money for each download! That's right, the creator of that website is making money off of work that isn't their's... I am appalled at such behavior.


This, however, is how the world works. Someone is always trying to corrupt something good. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Do not let these people take our mods and profit from our music, art, and coding. They moderate every post so no one can see us complain that our mods are being stolen. Their hosts are shady and don't care so long as they make money. If you don't see it on Nexus, Chucklefish Forums, Naver, or Mod Drop don't download it! Stay in the official channels!! Don't let the scum make money off of your innocence!

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