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Modding Packages Available


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Hi, first off, I am just getting back into the Morrowind world (Havent played it since well....I can't remember when!) and I was curious about apparent Modding package I had heard of for it. The reason I was getting back into it was because of Skyrim, and I never had played Oblivion.


Well, I got the Triple pack on Steam and really decided to find out about the Mods for Morrowind. I Pulled up, rather fast I might add, the MGO 3.0 update, and I was Impressed! I kept delving into to find out more, and at this point I got lost just as fast as I found the MGO 3.0. The problem was that I am pretty picky about Mods, and so many either do not work well together(or NOT AT ALL), and I had found this out while experimenting on a different game a couple years ago. Needless to say, I want to get into actually modding myself, but until I fully grasp it, I will only do what is actually stable and works, follows the game(no cheating, no fun playing the game that way), and most of all, makes it worth downloading.


Now I have seen all these other "thousand" other mods, and then I noticed the Tamriel Rebuilt one. So my questions are:

What is this Mod exactly, and how do I utilize it?

Other then the MGO 3.0 update, is there something else I should add in with the Modding? I am all about content, but again, I would rather not have content that goes against my gripes against most mods. I am willing for a full on discussion if needs be, and will ask questions and am willing to try my best at thinking outside the box.


Disclaimer: I have some rather interesting "blonde moments" from time to time. So don't hate....to much at least ;)

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