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What am I missing in this script?


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If that is what you want to happen, yeah, you could probably do the opposite. Never tried it personally but I would guess that's how the casino scripts work when they take your stuff and then give it back.


mycontainerref.removeallitems mybrahminref


Try it and see what happens.


Question: would that need to be written as a separate script like


scn BlackbriarAkstonSaltWorksDelivery


or just the mycontainer.remove etc. at the end of a ai package for the brahmin?

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I mean you of course name the bramin ref anything you want, but usually it's BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargoREF


I've tried that but I will do it again. I still that code on the result script of the end of the AI package for the brahmin's patrol. And I have



BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargoREF.additem BlackbriarSalt 5


as the code for the start.



The patrol consists of 5 x marker headings linked together.


nada :/

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here's what I have on the starting for the brahmin's AI package patrol:


BlackbriarMinedAkstonBrahminCargoRef.additem BlackbriarSalt 5


and here is the end


BlackbriarMinedAkstonBrahminCargoRef.removeallitems BlackbriarBaseStorageRef


Doesn't drop supplies off when he makes it to the last x marker heading on the patrol

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OK so you do have a different name for your reference than your base form tehn right? Like you have a BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargo baseform listed under ->creatures->brahmin. then you have a reference that's actually in your cell and his name is BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargoREF, right?


Because if you had the BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargo base form, and you dropped him down in your cell, but didn't rename that reference to something specific like BlackbriarMinedAkstonBrahminCargoRef and it went through a activator/trigger with a script like this;


BlackbriarMinedAkstonBrahminCargo.removeallitems BlackbriarBaseStorageRef


I don't think it would work. It would need a specific reference container ( BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargoREF) to take items out of.


nor would


BlackbriarMinedAkstonBrahminCargoREF.removeallitems BlackbriarBaseStorageRef if you didn't rename the reference form that, and just changed the basefrom to inclue REF on the end of it's ID.



So two forms, BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargo in the geck object window under actors->creatures->mutated animals->brahmin. But BlackbriarMInedAkstonBrahminCargoREF in your cellview->worldspace->wastelandNV.


Sorry to waste time if that's already the case, just wanted to make sure.

Edited by devinpatterson
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