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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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I'm a devout fan of fallout in nearly every form. Recently ive been Rping in Ain't That A Kick In The Head, a great rp taht doesnt show signs of quitting but I know that some would prefer to RP in the Mojave over Washington D.C. so I have come up with the idea that we have a second Fallout RP set just as the courier starts his mission for revenge. Before the second battle. Various things have happened and I will enlighten on these. The Mojave has exploded in violence, the factions are fighting harder and newer ones are appearing everyday.



The New California Republic has been fighting desperately to hold the Legion at the Colorado River, stretched thin and most of their resources are low and their morale is diminished. Yet they hold a strong fix. Camp Forlorn Hope, Camp Golf, Camp Searchlight and Camp Macarran are the main NCR fortifications. Mojave Outpost is bogged up by Caravans and under the occasional attack by jackals or vipers and the caravans that try to get through often get held up by Powder Gangers.


Caeser's Legion holds the eastern bank like a vice, noone treads there but Legionaries. The Legion sends over troops that strike at the heart of the citizens of the Mojave, raiding small towns and sacking caravans. Using terror tactics and guerilla warfare they have nearly crippled the Great Bear.

The tribes around Arizona have come to the call of Caesar, tribes like The Great Khans, The White Legs and even groups like The Jackals and Vipers are taking the legion denarius and under the beck and call of Caesars Legate. Using these agents and the machinatins of the Frumentarii they have been carrying out strikes across New Vegas in hopes to further destabilize the Factions.


The Brotherhood Of Steel, many see this organization as extinct in the mojave but Hidden Valley is there home and due to inter-personal strife their elder has locked themselves away in a hidden pre-war bunker. They still maintain a small security presence topside but only depart for scouting patrols and food gathering missions. A large majority of the Knights that were topside during the Battle Of Helios One stay there, never able to return. These 'Exiles' have either died in the wastes to NCR Rangers or gone into hiding.


Mr House and his Three Families rule the strip, a beacon of the old world in a wasted land, people travel from california to vegas to gamble and drink with the hopes of becoming a big shot for one of the casinos. This dream has lead many to their doom either at the hands of a thug in freeside or a cheated gambler. Cheaters are common and often dealt with harshly. They often end up 'sleepin with the lakelurks' in lake mead. House and his casino tribes are holed up in New Vegas, rarely taking interest in the goings on in the mojave. Through a complex source of spies and agents across all the factions Mr House has kept tabs on every faction out there. Rumor is House has begun lending aid to groups such as the Van Graffs in hopes the continued supply of arms will exhaust the factions and eliminate them from the future battle.


The Gun Runners have their factory and 188 under their protection, the 188 has become the foremost bazaar, nearly every trader has appeared there over the last few months. Need chems or guns or food the 188 is your place. the Gun Runners have entered into a Territory War with The Crimson Caravan. Both fighting for the arms contract of the NCR but the Crimson Caravan and their newfound allies. The Gun Runners have begun supplying Westside with firearms and since they need supplies from California they have been giving supplies to Mojave Outpost, even sending some of their Mercenary allies there way.


The Powder Gangers, a group of recently escaped convicts from the NCRCF near the california border. They use dynamite and various firearms to sack and raid caravans, the dominate gang in the wastes and they have steadily been taking territory from the Jackals and Vipers. Wandering near Mojave Outpost you'll most certainly run into these men.


Citizens Of Novac. Novac is the motel-town on the highway, the first respite for those travelling the 95 to vegas. The locals are friendly but don't think they are weak. They have recruited various wasters to act as town guards with Ranger Andy as the sheriff. The sniper in the dinos mouth has kept many legionaries and fiends at bay. Recently plauged by ghouls and raiders they are desperately looking for men and women to help defend the town.


Primm, having recently been taken over by Powder Gangers after they swept aside the renegade convicts they took over the Bison Steve and trapped the locals in the Vikki And Vance. The cities streets have turned into a battleground since the NCR has begun a lengthy siege of the town. Gunfire is a daily affair there and death looms over the city.


Mojave Outpost, the outpost at the california border has its share of problems. Ranger Jackson the commanding officer has been keeping the local roads safe but the outpost is under constant attack by powder gangers and jackals that usually fails but they are relentless. Jackson has taken to hiring mercenaries to complete various missions against these raiders since his own forces are limited but because of the stopped caravans they have agreed to supply him in hopes that they can be released. Numerous contractors have appeared, including the feared Raven Company, the western division of Talon Company, a recent agreement Jackson has been regretting.


The Fiends, the fiends have united with Motor-Runner calling himself the Raider-King. Cook-Cook, Violent and Driver Nephi acting as his lieutenants have united the fiends with the help of a unknown benefactor's direct action. They have a greater access to firearms and chems and are turning their newfound strength on the mojave and are striking deeper into the desert.


Freeside, the King have kept order in freeside but the NCR has pushed a greater presence and now have setup various checkpoints and are now keeping the NCR citizens in a fortified area away from the locals due to increased violence. Elizabeth Kieran has used the Cerulean Robotics building as the headquarters and kept the NCR citizens there, maintaining her relationship with The Followers Of The Apocalypse but in secret for fear of Freesider backlash at the Followers.


The Van Graffs, having recently formed an alliance with Raven Company they have started a criminal cartel in the wastes. Selling energy weapons is only the start, a freelance slaver known as Adam Rzeznik has allied with The Van Graffs and has begun selling captured people to The Legion and secretly begun their mission to destabilize The NCR, The Three Caravan Company War has broke out and it has brewed a strong conflict that the Mercenary groups have flocked too. Raven Company in supporting not only Mojave Outpost but the Van Graffs, telltaled by their black combat armor. Reilly's Rangers have expanded in the capital wasteland and moved west, there they were hired by The Gun Runners, now more then just a few men they have expanded to a multitude of members. Reilly's son has taken over leadership and runs the mercenary company with the same morals as his mother did back in D.C. their armor is always green. Blackroot has appeared siding with Crimson Caravan Company, the Mercenary Company has a reputation for wearing salvaged power armor and striking with force, few in number but they are strong fighters and they also have wide use of Robots in place of soldiers, most of the caravans they guard are scouted with eyebots and sentry bots. By far they have the most protected caravans but they are also a costly military force and the cost is one Mclafferty is willing to pay to win the Caravan War.


The Followers and Julie Farkas have been met with recent attacks, the locals even after the King said no more have begun striking at their interests aswell as them having issues with the Occupation by the NCR and the harassment given to them by the soldiers. They rarely travel outside of The Old Mormon Fort without armed guard. Some of them that are on the outskirts have left the Followers and become Apostates, using their knowledge to craft and arm anti-NCR rebels with explosives and energy weapons they have become another thorn in the side of the NCR.


The Great Khans have sealed their deal with the Legion and are considered allies, nothing official as of yet but Papa Khan has grown close to Caesar, his lieutenants have various disagreeing opinions, even though their drug trade has gotten larger since the fiends began their war they have also gathered a much larger force of arms and the mountains east and south of Red Rock Canyon is without a doubt theres, they have also begun guerilla tactics on Bittersprings and are seeking the destruction of the NCR outpost there. The refugees are under the boot of the Khans and in the crossfire with no end to the fighting in sight.


The Ghoul Liberation Force, The GLF has sprung up, attacking smoothskins everywhere they are a group of communist ghouls lead by Jacob Powers. Striking from the heart of Repconn after the departure of Jason Bright. Repconn has become a base and anyone that isn't a ghoul is in severe danger. They particularly have been fighting with the Citizens of Novac. Although they have found a strong enemy in The Regulators.


The Regulators have returned to the Mojave, chasing the Ghoul Terrorist Jacob Powers. Staging themselves out of Old lady Gibsons scrap yard they have turned it into a variable fort. The NCR has had issues but seeing their leader. A man known Lincoln Cross and his Super Mutant sidekick Bernie they have held fast against the local raiders, but their enemies grow and their allies few they still offer bounties and they hold their own brand of vigilante justice.


Jacobstown and Black Mountain, these two Super Mutant strongholds have gotten stronger. The Westsiders have been working with Marcus of Jacobstown by giving them a steady supply of food in exchange for super-mutant guards against the growing number of fiends. Marcus himself has sent Neil to lead the Mutants there, along with Meansonofabitch they have kept the Fiends on their toes. Black Mountain has had an increase in Nightkin since Davidson and his mutant raiders came there with piles of Stealth Boys, Tabitha has been striking deeper into NCR territory for some reason, hitting places that make no real sense as if shes looking for something but only she knows what that is.


Westside, unlike Freeside Westside has signed an agreement with Jacobstown and The Followers Apostates. Even though Jacobstown and The Apostates do not see eye to eye but they agree the Fiend threat must be stemmed and Westside's new leader, Ben Brooks. A former Regulator took to being the Sheriff sometime ago under the Mayor Gerald Burns, The Mayor has been pushing for peace but the grizzled veteran has been preparing for war with their new allies. The Apostates needing a base of operations gave the Mayor his much needed allies and Jacobstown lent him the muscle of the super mutants they need. With the rising fiend outbreak the Battle Of Westside is close to beginning.


Searchlight Airport has become a Exile's fortified fort. There the brotherhood exiles stay, mostly keeping to themselves but they have been known to fight with the legion and the occassional firefight with the NCR. The leader, Paladin Vauxhall has declared themselves a new chapter, calling themselves Exiles and they intercept Brotherhood strike teams. The Elder has kept close tabs on these exiles.


The Factions have drawn the lines and the Storm Over The Mojave has begun, it is in this warzone people survive and die. Which will you be? The beacon of honor or the cruel villain? The survivalist or the rebel? The Soldier or The Tribal? Or will you be something entirely different. That is your choice....good luck.


As a character: You can be any race, including ghoul, nightkin or supermutant. Roleplay them respectively but enjoy them. Just because your a super mutant doesn't mean you have to be allied with Jacobstown or Black Mountain. But in doing so you cannot be certain things.


You cannot be a behemoth, nor can you be a feral ghoul. Also you cannot play as The Courier or any of his companions since they have scripted stories. You also cannot be faction leaders, trust me i have a hard time not RPing as Marcus but its only fair they play a special part. Various other characters such as Doc Mitchell or Chet and Ranger Jackson are also not allowed but some of the more flexible characters like Malcom Holmes and Sunny Smiles would be allowed since they tend to be wanderers.


Your Character sheet should look something like this or along this line.












Other: (Companions etc)




Have fun in the Mojave.

Edited by Macman253
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Damn, debating whether to use a character from one of my stories, or both of them, or make up a new one entirely. (Messing up the lore on existing characters puts me off a little, and obviously they would be altered a little, but it would be damn epic XD)
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Name: Ronin


Race: Tribal (Twisted Hairs)


Description: Tall, wears a duster with various tribal motifs on it and other various gear. Bandoliers, canteens etc. Burly and muscular with countless battle scars and long braided hair, with various stones and feathers woven in. His skin is brown and he often has a fatalistic mood, relishes in battle and hunting of legionaries.


Occupation: Drifter


Weapons: a sawed off Winchester rifle and a Broad Machete, the machete his favored weapon. He also has some knowledge of trapmaking and improvised explosives, while out in the wastes he used these skills to hunt and survive.


Other: His companion is a dog named Sam, a black and white mixed breed that saved his life after he escaped from The Legion.


Backstory: One of the legion's best scouts, he travelled all over the Wastes for Caesar. When Caesar no longer needed the Twisted Hairs he enslaved them. Ronin was thrown into the arena for execution but he survived dozens of fights as a slave. Using only his hands and a Machete. In a fight with Centurion and it was in that fight that both men were nearly killed, when the fight was declared a draw he was sent to the pens and a Dog had helped him escape, he left The Fort and the Legion behind. Now he hunts them with the same tactics they employ, knowing their form of psychological warfare and guerilla tactics he is renowned by them for his brutal approach to hunting them. He took the name Ronin after the ancient warriors that were once servants to a feudal lord that left their service of free will or circumstance. They wandered as warriors searching for a place in a wartorn country. Ronin eventually found small peace in a place called Freeside, but his restless heart led him back to the Wastes where he wanders.

Edited by Macman253
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Ok, I was considering joining, but, no offense, that sheet is ridiculous. I'm gonna be blunt here, but know that I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you. I will list the things that I've noticed needing alteration in a semi numerical order, and you can choose whether or not to follow the suggestions, your RP after all.


1. The Weapons. First of all, the Legion is based off of Romans, ergo they would not possess a Katana. The best you would have gotten is a Machete, or Machete Gladius, not a Katana, which as you know is a Feudal Japanese weapon. second, a 12.7 pistol is devilishly difficult to find in the game, unless you buy it from the Gun Runners.


2. Defeating Lanius. That seems a little.. how to phrase it.. over powered. Considering you were supposedly an Arena slave, and Lanius was the best fighter there was, and wielded a bumper sword or something, someone with a machete or katana wouldn't be able to get close. That guy is POWERFUL and tough, even on Easy.


3. Dog Name. I don't agree with that name, considering there is a Super Mutant in one of the DLCs called Dog/God. Consider another name for the thing. Heck, even Fenrir would be a better name IMO (in my opinion)


4. Knowledge of Explosives. An arena slave would have no knowledge of Explosives, considering the Legion rarely used them, and definitely wouldn't teach their slaves how to blow their masters up with random debris, savvy?


Right. That's all the criticism I'm going to offer. Do with it what you will. May the Spirits watch over you all.

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Erm......the first and only man to survive a fight with Lanius? *winces* Not to offend, but that seems...OP to me, and the kind of thing that establishes that that character is supposed to be tougher and better than any others. I can't read minds, so I don't know if that was the thought track, but that's how I see it. I'll be honest, it removes some/a lot of the appeal of the RP if a character is that powerful, especially if it's the GM, because it's their RP and therefore their rules (within reason, of course.) Trust me, I've seen two RP'd go down now because the GM had what was considered an OP character. One of them isn't dead, per se, but nobody seems to want to post in it because whatever they do can easily be countered by the GM's character.


Unless the sheet changes to make Ronin less 'I'm superior to you all' (that's the message I get from it.) then it's highly unlikely I'm joining up.

Edited by Flipout6
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Erm......the first and only man to survive a fight with Lanius? *winces* Not to offend, but that seems...OP to me, and the kind of thing that establishes that that character is supposed to be tougher and better than any others. I can't read minds, so I don't know if that was the thought track, but that's how I see it. I'll be honest, it removes some/a lot of the appeal of the RP if a character is that powerful, especially if it's the GM, because it's their RP and therefore their rules (within reason, of course.) Trust me, I've seen two RP'd go down now because the GM had what was considered an OP character. One of them isn't dead, per se, but nobody seems to want to post in it because whatever they do can easily be countered by the GM's character.


Unless the sheet changes to make Ronin less 'I'm superior to you all' (that's the message I get from it.) then it's highly unlikely I'm joining up.


The second was mine... I OP'D, as well as... other... issues, and my RP was shot to hell. Don't make the same mistake I did, mate.

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Bryce's was the first, actually. The second one I'm referring to is Dawn of a New Age, in which the main character is one of the most powerful creatures in the world and had an army over 30 000+ armed, inteliigent zombies, and is buddy-buddy with a city that can hold off said army for a long while. Even on his own, said main character could probably sack any town he wanted and barely get injured. It's such a ridiculous thing that nobody wants to post anymore, so I've seen. Trust me, being OP is not a good thing. Edited by Flipout6
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Fixed, it wasn't meant to be op, Mind you when I wrote it I had been working for near 12 hours was tired and needed to get it written so I just put in things that came to my head. Ive actually fixed it, frankly would have liked to kept the dogs name as Dog. It's not like he knew the super mutant named Dog or anything. For the record I dont GM the Rp, I set the setting and let you all do your thing, again within reason but yes I wasn't paying much attention to what I was writing and I normally do. Edited by Macman253
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