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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Re-read your post, "Ronin comes in" He wasnt there for the original part. All he saw was a mexican standoff that is it. Do you honestly think that just by opening fire because he drew his weapon. HE DID NOT FIRE IT! he just as the weapon drawn and a arrow across the strings. Its not even drawn back.



There i re-re-edited my post, now he just has his hand at the bow not drawing it. I suggest you do the same or this is over.

Edited by Macman253
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And here cometh the storm. Literally and figuratively, my area's about to get hit with a bit of hurricane whatever-it-is


I'll re-read it, make edits where necessary. Although just for the future, and I try and do this myself, is that where you perceive there might be confusion, emphasize something. Id've said that "he put an arrow in the quiver, not drawing the bow, but keeping it ready."


As for heaping all the blame on Bryce, I really don't think that's fair.


Crap, almost accidentally double posted. Don't worry, I'll fix my post since I said I would if you changed yours (probably to Bryce as opposed to within the OOC forums. But the point still stands.) Still, just emphasize points sometimes to avoid confusion, this is the kind of thing that can kill RP's, I've seen it.

Edited by Flipout6
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I originally posted that he drew the bow and aimed it at the girl, then bryce said change that and I did then he told me to change it back even though I really didn't want to. The blame lays on all of us. Me for not reacting properly, Bryce for taking things to far and everyone else (including myself) for not reading posts properly.
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Macman, you need to calm down. This behavior will lead you into ruin and trouble. If you can't bring yourself to be more calm and collected, then maybe you aren't ready to run a RP. You have too hot a temper, and yes, I see the irony in the fact that it is I who says this.


We know you didn't fire the bow at her. That isn't the point. The point is that you pointed a bow at her head from a few inches away in the first place.


Do Not blame your problems on me. Do I make myself clear? You know what? I'm out. I'm dropping, and making my own Fallout RP, With my characters there. Anyone who wish to transfer their characters over, I will approve them immediately. Flipout, I offer you co-management position, to help keep me under control. Good afternoon, all of you.

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Why must there be constant arguing in the RP forum? I've been here more than two years now, and have stayed out of petty squables as much as i can, but i think everyone needs to do a bit of re-reading. Ronin warped in between our posts, you had him enter while Shiori still had the gun pointed at Ariana, which was a few posts before this:


Shiori blushed at the compliment, and mumbled,


"I didn't wanna shoot you. I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna shoot me." She changed some settings on her plasma defender, so as to not kill Ariana, and quickly drew it again, shooting directly towards Ariana's mouth, hitting the cigarette and turning it into goo. She smiled faintly, then looked panicky, worried about the repercussions of her actions.


Greebo watched and smiled at Shiori's previous quick draw. Seemed there was more to her than met the eye. When she shot the smoke out of Ariana's mouth, Greebo burst out laughing.


Diefenbaker licked Ariana's hand, and nudged her with his head, as a way of saying a combination of "hello" and "pet me".


If he was entered in the HQ after this, we wouldn't have an ounce of problem here. He would have heard the conversation, and seen the girl shooting the cigarette from Sheriff's mouth.


Now can we please continue without the constant arguments? It's not enjoyable people getting worked up about easily avoidable situations, and turning friendships around by throwing accusations around left right and centre.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Here's what I tried to prevent and failed at doing so, not for the first time. Haven't edited the post yet, have been reading the ones from here, but I'll get on that, no worries.


I take full responsibility for anything I've done (so mis-reading posts and the like) even if it's not too much. No need for such a harsh action as of yet, this can only lead to trouble unless we defuse this quickly.


I'll edit my post, I suggest the rest of us do the same before we get a moderator involved again. Some of us here are simply trying to RP and have fun (I'm looking at Mythic right now, AAN hasn't posted in a while, but we ALL joined to have fun.) and being in a RP that's caused so much trouble already will bring trouble down on us as well.

Edited by Flipout6
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I agree, this just got way out of hand. The events in Ronin's post before he headed to the HQ actually took place during the second battle of Novac. He didn't warp in technically but I didn't specify that part so yes it is my fault and from here on out I will be including in boldened letters above at what event in time is my post taking place. That way everyone knows and it makes sense.
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It's too late, Macman. I'm out of this.. mess. It's been problems since really early on, and I lack the patience and anger management capability to continue here without having an "episode' which will most likely cost me ALL RP privs. Good evening, Macman. I bear you no ill will, and offer you the chance to join the RP I am starting, but you will have to obey MY rules. Laterz.
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Look this was just an accident, you dont need to leave we just need to set some ground rules.


Look im sorry but I must go, friends are here. I will check in on this tommorow. If you decide to leave i would be happy to join your RP. But please reconsider.

Edited by Macman253
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