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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Ok. I might stay (talked with a few people through PM) and I've come to the conclusion. You need a co-manager. It seems that, like myself, you have a hot temper, and may benefit from having someone there to say that you need to chill out. You could still enforce the rules, and approve sheets, and the other would be able to make sure they are enforced and approve as well, but also have the authority to say, as one equal to another, "Stop and calm down".


I nominate either myself or Flipout6

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Well, at least the fighting stopped. Yes, I think a co-manager would be good. Ain't That a Kick in the Head was managed by two people, and that's turned out to be a very successful RP that's run into the odd bump, like anything. (as, I think, everyone here except perhaps AAN knows.)


Don't know who to nominate. Don't know if Mythic would want to, (although I think she'd be good at it, personally.) I think Bryce would be a good choice. As temperamental as he can be sometimes (as can we all.) He can still manage a RP well, and he's vastly improved anger-management wise over the last few months. (Flattered that I've been suggested, though. That was unexpected.)


Btw, me, Bryce. and anyone else living around Toronto, Ontario, are getting hit with a big storm that's a bit of a leftover from that hurricane on the east coast, if we're off for a day or two, that'll be why. Doesn't look to be too bad, but I figured that you guys ought to know, just to avoid confusion and so that you understand if the RP stalls because it's waiting for a post from one of us.


Oh, and I edited the post. Jason still tosses Shiori to safety, but he doesn't attack outright, though he gets ready to. He's staying in character by drawing his weapons, but if Ronin stands down he will. If you need me tochange somthing else just PM me.

Edited by Flipout6
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I don't feel it needs to come to nominating ourselves to keep Macman in check to be perfectly honest. he got annoyed because of a mix up, it happens to it all, and yes, he may have over-reacted a little. That's only one speed-bump Macman has hit, and i think it is unfair for any of us to start suggesting we take control as a second "Owner" of the Rp because of one bump.


Because when it all boils down to it, only the moderators have the real power behind any decisions here, it is out of respect of the creator of an RP that we abide to there wishes, stick the there rules, and listen to there suggestions. We don't need to jointly run this RP to make sure things don't get out of hand, if they do, we turn to the staff for support and ask their opinion on the subject.


But of course, Macman, if you do wish for there to be a secondary leader to work with you, it's your choice, and if you feel the RP will be better for it, go ahead.

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I don't feel it needs to come to nominating ourselves to keep Macman in check to be perfectly honest. he got annoyed because of a mix up, it happens to it all, and yes, he may have over-reacted a little. That's only one speed-bump Macman has hit, and i think it is unfair for any of us to start suggesting we take control as a second "Owner" of the Rp because of one bump.


Because when it all boils down to it, only the moderators have the real power behind any decisions here, it is out of respect of the creator of an RP that we abide to there wishes, stick the there rules, and listen to there suggestions. We don't need to jointly run this RP to make sure things don't get out of hand, if they do, we turn to the staff for support and ask their opinion on the subject.


But of course, Macman, if you do wish for there to be a secondary leader to work with you, it's your choice, and if you feel the RP will be better for it, go ahead.


And that, right there, is why I considered nominating Mythic. Even if the post is explaining why it's rather unnecessary for us to nominate people. How ironic :tongue:

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Btw, though Ronin might have left for a while, he can still encounter Thames over by the Colorado. I could even have him head to the 188 Trading Post in person if you'd like Ronin to meet him. Edited by Flipout6
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