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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Sorry if it isn't great. I know pretty much nothing about fallout. Hope its okay :D



Race: Human Caucasian


Age: 41


Appearance: Daniel is quite a short man, standing at around 5”6, he is also borderline overweight weighing around 10 and a half stone. He has low, shallow cheekbones and baggy eyes, making him appear tired. He has a strong and wide jaw, a hawk nose and slicked hair with strands of grey. His eyes are a bright hazel colour.


Clothing: He mainly wears snazzy, suits and tuxedo’s all of them bright and sparkly. He wears pointed shoes, sometimes a large top hat and wears 4 rings on each hand.


Occupation: Owner of the new casino, Sodom.


Weapons: A revolver called “Number 7” He stashes anything he finds.


Other: Owner of several prostitutes and two bodyguards.


Personality: Daniel is quite a sleazy man, constantly indulging himself in sexual pleasures. He is wrong minded, has a good sense of humour, if a bit sick. He enjoys long conversations, jokes and general banter. He loves money, always trying to get his hands on something shiny. He isn’t careless with his money either, only really spending it on his employees and the running costs of his casino.


Backstory: Daniel was one of the lucky ones who just happened to be born in Vegas. He has lived there for his entire life, at first overwhelmed by the shining lights, hookers and casinos. As he matured he started to warm to the idea, becoming obsessed with gambling, sex and partying. Later in his life, when he was around 30, he started his very own casino, Sodom. He had always been working with the omertas and he was one of their most trusted lieutenants, they were the ones who permitted his casino. He now plans to overthrow them so he can own both casino's and take full control of the omertas. The casino became incredibly popular incredibly fast, with cheap rooms and reasonable prices, the casino was open to the general public. He later introduced prostitutes and strippers and it became even more popular, especially for men. The only rival was Gomorrah, which was equally popular but this didn’t matter to him as he had all he needed. Money, women and a loving partner who he could truly be with. Lady Kihlov. Daniel met Kihlov at a burlesque party where they made love, drank together and then became lovers. To this day they remain partners in both business and love.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Oh, nice chars. Joint casino owners, great idea :biggrin:


'course, macman makes the final decision. But if you're both approved, 4 RPers is about enough to get this thing started!

Edited by Flipout6
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Heres the thing, all casino owners in Vegas report to Mr. House, becoming a casino owner like that requires a lot of leway with House. And he isn't known for being kind nor keeping The Strip open to everyday people. The buy in for the strip is over 2000 caps which is a fortune to most the people in the wasteland. Only the rich get to enjoy the strip, the rich and NCR troopers really. Plus your character has no real drive. Nothing to push the character forward. Now if you made him an Omerta looking to one day control the Omertas and Gommorah then there is a very nice character plot. I'm not picking on you I just think that you'll get bored of the character real fast when you realize everyone has progressing characters and your really doing is drinking and partying. You can still be hedonistic if your an Omerta lieutenant because they run the most hedonistic casino on the Strip, basically place that character in Gommorah with the intent of becoming boss and one day taking over. Make that a long term goal and you set out to use your cunning and wits to take over. Just killing Nero and Big Sal will get you killed you have to have enough support to be able to take over.
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Eh, I'm not thinking that we can have companions from the game as companions to our characters, but I was wondering since Tokyobleach is considering joining and would join instantly if we were allowed to. My character has Veronica by his side in the story he's from, but I can go without. Although I think it would be wise to lay down the rules regarding that sort of thing now before anyone assumes later on.


Any ideas about what the rules will be regarding this? Like I said, I doubt it'll be allowed, and I can go without no problem, but it's still good to know.

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Alright then. What about Jason and Veronica then? Two people who grew up with the Brotherhood, that are outside the bunker that are concerned about the Brotherhood's future and can each work well in a team can go together well. Just wonderin'
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Name: Jason Roland


Age: 23


Race: Human


Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs

Distinguishing marks: (Faded) Scar - 22 mm, chin

Other Features: Brownish-black hair, Brown eyes


Occupation: NCR Officer (Major)


Weapons: Double Action Army Revolver, Service Rifle


Other: A company of NCR soldiers


Bio: Son of a high ranking NCR officer, this has certainly had something to do with his promotion record. Despite only being in his early 20's, Roland is already a major. While he undoubtbly has skill, he is still young and has got a lot to learn. Rolands childhood is uneventful, however from the minute he joined the NCR rangers he has had flying colours. Quickly elevated to the rank of Sergeant after taking control of his squad once the sergeant scare crows, had died, Roland defeated a 20 strong platoon (powder gangers) with his 8 man squad (Using mines and Roland was able to force the opposing force to surrender by making them believe they were out numbered, end result: 6 casualties opfor, 1 casualty NCR by the time they realised they had been tricked, they had already been disarmed) Roland was promoted to Captain for this (Skipping Leiutenant entirely, much to the annoyance of some of his comrades) After leading his platoon into the heart of a GLF force undercover of darkness and killing many of them and the regulators who also attacked the camp half way through Rolands operation (Botching what had been an otherwise perfect mission) Roland was promoted to Major for getting the majority of his soldiers out alive and causing significant damage to the other forces (6 NCR casualties, 7 regulator, 15 GLF)

Personality: A natural born soldier, Roland has visions of out striping his father in rank. Driven by his proud nature, Roland has heard of the old world, before it became... this... and wishes to restore that world. Like his father, he see's the NCR as the best shot at doing this. Roland is honest but will lie when he needs to. Roland is a bit of a show off, but he values the lives of his fellow NCR troopers and citizens highly


Notable Traits:

Accurate: Roland is known for being a good shot with both Assualt rifles and Pistols

Intelligent: Roland is notable for having above average intelligence

Show off: Roland is a bit of a show off

Over Confident: This has hindered Roland at certain times, on the other hand, it has also sprung him to continue forwards despite what ever is thrown at him, which made him stand out among other soldiers

Edited by Brutii
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*dramatic gasp* TWO Jasons? Why must there be TWO Jasons? *cannot comprehend.*


Nah, I don't particularily mind, no worries. Two minor problems with it, though. One is the anti-materiel rifle, which is one of the most powerful weapons in the game (Picks off deathclaws from huge distances, meaning it can do that to any of our characters as well.) Really powerful weapons was one of the things that made us ask Macman to change his own char a lil, just to tone said weapons down.


As for the company of NCR troopers, nothing a few explosives can't handle, although an entire company under your command is a bit much power-wise, if you ask me.


Gah, I hate criticizing other people's characters, it makes me feel like an a**hole, it really does, but I do it when I feel it's necessary. :confused:


EDIT: I accidentally used the term "run for it" in my last post, made Jason look like a coward when he's not. What I meant to say was that he ran towards Novac to help defend it. I've edited it so it says that, he was running off to GIVE aid, not seek it, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Edited by Flipout6
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