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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Interesting character Baldur, will very much enjoy RPing with you. I would like to add taht I have no personal issues with you so don't worry about that here.


Flipout, nice character I like his concept.


To Brutii, A company is large, well over 150 men strong. The NCR doesn't really have the resources to let a Company go calavanting around the wastes. besides its easier to RP a squad then a huge company and because you can create more likeable characters when you've got four companions. Mostly don't want you overtaxing yourself as a writer, I have some military background and I can tell you. Command of anything squad or company is hard enough let alone transcribing characters to paper and then try to get them to deal with that. If you want a company go ahead but understand it will make for long posts and its hard on the hands.


*shrug* long isn't hard :)



Dude, 5 man squad...a company is just way to over-powered.

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Currently I am giving Ronin a break to go hunt Legion. So for awhile ill be Rping as Jace Winter. Here is his character sheet. Feel free to call bulls***, i'm not an over oppressive GM. Ive tried keeping it fair but let me know what you all think needs to be changed.



Name: Jace Winter


Race: Human




Occupation: Ex Master Chief Of The NCR Elite Rangers / Mercenary


Weapons: Plasma Defender and Plasma Rifle.


Armor : Ranger Elite Power Armor. This armor was designed by The Enclave as a solution to the bulky Mark II armor they currently wore. By using advanced exo-skeleton technology and adaptive armor plating they created Mark X armor. Only a prototype was ever made, The NCR gained control of it and reversed engineered their own set of power armor. Not as superior as Mark X but it still has the benefits and drawbacks of its parent armor. Increased dexterity and movement speed for lack of armor plating and a vulnerability to armor-piercing rounds and Plasma weaponry.


Backstory: Jace Winters is an Ex-Enclave Special Forces soldier that defected to the NCR. He witnessed the Enclave's genocidal mission in the Capital Wasteland, after stealing the Mark X Power Armor and a Vertibird he flew to California where he landed. The NCR struck a deal with him, he would train and lead the Elite Rangers under command of Chief Hanlon. He trained the team well and their first deployment was Helios One, the mission was successful. After several skirmishes the small force of twenty soldiers became the NCR's greatest Black Ops Asset. They were deployed in full at Boulder City, there Chief Hanlon and General Oliver detonated the city and The Elite Rangers fought bravely and died honorably. After the battle the men and women of The Elite Rangers were declared dead and never given full burial rights and honors, the memorial of the rangers and troopers that died at boulder city was erected without their names and in this instance Jace Winters lost his way to become a freelance mercenary, currently in the employ of Raven Company.

Edited by Macman253
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*Sighs* As much as I disapprove of a power-armored bada** with plasma weapons running around, I see nothing wrong with him power-wise. Just a question, though, a .44 magnum is a powerful weapon, and one in good condition (75% or more, so definitely Jason's revolver) and little skill with guns (looking at the stats here, it has a base damage of 36. And Jason has a good guns skill, so that damage is higher than the base damage.) can pierce even Remnants Power armor (DT 36 with the helmet and armor combined.) the highest DT of, I believe, any armor in FNV, all DLC's included. This means that Jason's magnum should be able to pierce the armor even without armor piercing rounds, although obviously the rounds will not do nearly as much damage as they would to an unarmoured target. Am I right here, or is there some totally different system here in which only armor-piercing rounds and plasma fire can pierce the armor? (If so, that would mean a .50 calibre round wouldn't do Jack but a 10mm armor piercing could possibly work.)


Still, on the other hand, both ex-Enclave and with Raven company, and having assisted in slaughtering the BOS at HELIOS One? Instant enemies with Jason. That should definitely be fun. And don't worry about him being able to exploit Jace's every weakness, only his .44 and his limited supply of explosives can pierce the armor. The sawed-off shotgun might knock Jace over, but won't pierce the armor. His combat knives certainly won't do much. After all, the lack of an armor-piercing melee weapon is one of his weaknesses.

Edited by Flipout6
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Just go with the 5 man team and be done with it! What is it with you and this Power Complex of yours? You always have to be someone or something that can kick the crap out of anything you encounter! It's like me trying to have solutions for everything, I got a helpful complex, you got a power complex. Now, I suggest you just do what Macman has told you, and tone down the squad. Or, you could simply leave. This is my blunt, brutal honest and cranky opinion since this is the first thing I get to see this morning..


A power complex? wtf are you ranting on about?


I really can't be bothered, I'm going back to my fortress (Translation: bedroom) to win a war (Translation: Play Halo)

Edited by Brutii
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Brutii- Bryce means that many, if not all, of the characters you make in RP's tend to be extremely powerful. Even without an anti-materiel rifle, or even minus 115 troopers under his command (which you're still trying so hard to keep.), Roland is still powerful, since he has an entire squad that can flank and kill any of our characters if it came down to a fight. Not to mention what happened to Dawn of a New Age, that RP's basically dead because you're character Vulviing Konahriik can kick the snot out of every single other player in the RP combined, not to mention his giant army. Those are two examples, I won't be going through every RP just to come up with more. THAT'S what he's talking about, you seem to want to have the most powerful character in every RP.


As for Macman's character, I personally approve of it, since the guy has two big weaknesses even when he's wearing his armor. I personally can't wait to see him in the RP despite his being a power-armored bada** (Which I don't approve of, as I said) because Jace and Jason will make good enemies.

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Brutii- Bryce means that many, if not all, of the characters you make in RP's tend to be extremely powerful. Even without an anti-materiel rifle, or even minus 115 troopers under his command (which you're still trying so hard to keep.), Roland is still powerful, since he has an entire squad that can flank and kill any of our characters if it came down to a fight. Not to mention what happened to Dawn of a New Age, that RP's basically dead because you're character Vulviing Konahriik can kick the snot out of every single other player in the RP combined, not to mention his giant army. Those are two examples, I won't be going through every RP just to come up with more. THAT'S what he's talking about, you seem to want to have the most powerful character in every RP.


As for Macman's character, I personally approve of it, since the guy has two big weaknesses even when he's wearing his armor. I personally can't wait to see him in the RP despite his being a power-armored bada** (Which I don't approve of, as I said) because Jace and Jason will make good enemies.


You probably couldn't come up with more if you tried... add coation and thats it. All my op characters on the plate. Who said I'd even use the company. Actually, who said I could use the company? When the units assigned to new vegas they can't go chasing people around the wastelands.

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Brutii- Bryce means that many, if not all, of the characters you make in RP's tend to be extremely powerful. Even without an anti-materiel rifle, or even minus 115 troopers under his command (which you're still trying so hard to keep.), Roland is still powerful, since he has an entire squad that can flank and kill any of our characters if it came down to a fight. Not to mention what happened to Dawn of a New Age, that RP's basically dead because you're character Vulviing Konahriik can kick the snot out of every single other player in the RP combined, not to mention his giant army. Those are two examples, I won't be going through every RP just to come up with more. THAT'S what he's talking about, you seem to want to have the most powerful character in every RP.


As for Macman's character, I personally approve of it, since the guy has two big weaknesses even when he's wearing his armor. I personally can't wait to see him in the RP despite his being a power-armored bada** (Which I don't approve of, as I said) because Jace and Jason will make good enemies.


Exactly. This is what I refer to. You ALWAYS have to have something that can overpower ANY obstacles, from that Dragon of yours and his Draugr army, to Adamant in Tales of Faerun, to trying to get the bloody SLENDERMAN, an indestructible being of unknown power, and now this bloke, you always have to have something better than everyone else. I had that problem before, but I accepted that I can't always be the most powerful. You need to do the same, not to mention trying to fight this point every step of the way, or get out. Because, I don't know if I speak for Everyone, but I'm pretty sure I speak for Flipout as well as myself, we don't want to RP with you if you can't just accept this simple fact.

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