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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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File on

NCR Major J.Roland


[Classified: Eyes only]


Name: Jason Roland


Age: 23


Race: Human


Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs

Distinguishing marks: (Faded) Scar - 22 mm, chin

Other Features: Brownish-black hair, Brown eyes


Occupation: NCR Officer (Major), Special operations


Weapons: Double Action Army Revolver, Service Rifle


Other: Gladius squadron:

Fireteam Alpha:

Fire and maneouver team A-1:

Master Sergeant Jorge Pope

Major Jason Roland (Commanding officer of Gladius)

Fire and maneouver team A-2:

Specialist Joseph Loken

Staff Sergeant John Graham


Fireteam Bravo:

Fire and maneouver team B-1:

1st Lieutenant Robert Connors

Captain Steven Hammond (2nd in command)

Fire and maneouver team B-2:

Warrent officer Jack Newman

2nd lieutenant James Carter


Bio: Son of a high ranking NCR officer, this has certainly had something to do with his promotion record. Despite only being in his early 20's, Roland is already a major. While he undoubtbly has skill, he is still young and has got a lot to learn. Rolands childhood is uneventful, however from the minute he joined the NCR rangers he has had flying colours. Quickly elevated to the rank of Sergeant after taking control of his squad once the sergeant scare crows, had died, Roland defeated a 20 strong platoon (powder gangers) with his 8 man squad (Using mines and Roland was able to force the opposing force to surrender by making them believe they were out numbered, end result: 6 casualties opfor, 1 casualty NCR by the time they realised they had been tricked, they had already been disarmed) Roland was promoted to Captain for this (Skipping Leiutenant entirely, much to the annoyance of some of his comrades) After leading his platoon into the heart of a GLF force undercover of darkness and killing many of them and the regulators who also attacked the camp half way through Rolands operation (Botching what had been an otherwise perfect mission) Roland was promoted to Major for getting the majority of his soldiers out alive and causing significant damage to the other forces (6 NCR casualties, 7 regulator, 15 GLF)

Personality: A natural born soldier, Roland has visions of out striping his father in rank. Driven by his proud nature, Roland has heard of the old world, before it became... this... and wishes to restore that world. Like his father, he see's the NCR as the best shot at doing this. Roland is honest but will lie when he needs to. Roland is a bit of a show off, but he values the lives of his fellow NCR troopers and citizens highly


Notable Traits:

Accurate: Roland is known for being a good shot with both Assualt rifles and Pistols

Intelligent: Roland is notable for having above average intelligence

Show off: Roland is a bit of a show off

Over Confident: This has hindered Roland at certain times, on the other hand, it has also sprung him to continue forwards despite what ever is thrown at him, which made him stand out among other soldiers

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It started as ''OMG your characters are so op" and has become "Deny! It didn't start like that!" :rolleyes:


It was ALWAYS your characters are too OP. It started politely, as a Tone it down. It then turned into stop being op, or leave. I personally maintain that disposition, Brutii. You are Arrogant, and determined to have powerful characters, and aren't willing to see your faults and fix them. Instead of taking the criticism, you argue against it, and make it a bigger issue. This is the LAST thing I will say on this subject, I don't want to RP alongside you, leave. However, I am but one member of this RP. Should the others agree, I suggest you take that path. If you do not take said path, keep your characters away from my characters, do not message me, say anything more to me here, I am hereby withdrawing from the issue. From now on, I don't care anymore.


Also, Macman, I like the new character sheet you got. Power, with distinct weaknesses. I can work with that. Flipout told me that you wanted feedback, so here ya go. Go ahead, put it into your own RP. So long as he doesn't attempt to harm Greebo, or Diefenbaker, I won't mind.

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*Rubs hands together eagerly* This should be good. Not the arguments, but Jace and Jason's interactions. (Sorry, I've rambled about it about 16 separate times now.)


Jason might attack Jace outright, even if it's just because he mistakes him for an Enclave troop. (He's BOS, and Jace is wearing enclave armor that definitely looks the part.) won't be anything personal against Jace himself until his past is revealed. He won't try and start a fight. Not immediately, anyways...... :devil:

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Okay, I was wrong, it is something personal, but against the Enclave, not Jace.....for now. Don't worry, this won't end in a fight unless Jace starts one.
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Brutti last time, five man squad. Under your command or you are not allowed to post in this RP. That is how it is...no highway option.


Militarys don't operate with 5 man squads. A squad is 8 men, composed of two fireteams. A fireteam is four, and can be composed of two fire and manouver teams, which is two men


But I digress, the NCR probably does not have enough men for every squad to be full, revised. 5 man squad, added another trait, given squad members positions (IE: Designated marksman)



Baldur, you can talk about all those things can't you?


Race: Human


Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs

Distinguishing marks: (Faded) Scar - 22 mm, chin

Other Features: Brownish-black hair, Brown eyes


Occupation: NCR Officer (Major), Special operations


Weapons: Double Action Army Revolver, Service Rifle


Other: Gladius special operations squadron (5 man):


Leader: Major Jason Roland


Fireteam Alpha:

Master Sergeant Jorge Pope: Designated heavy weapons specialist

Specialist Joseph Loken: Designated marksman


Fireteam Bravo:

1st Lieutenant Emile Connors : Close Combat Specialist

Captain Steven Hammond (2nd in command): Demolitions specialist



Reporting to: Colonol Urban Holland


Bio: Son of a high ranking NCR officer, this has certainly had something to do with his promotion record. Despite only being in his early 20's, Roland is already a major. While he undoubtbly has skill, he is still young and has got a lot to learn. Rolands childhood is uneventful, however from the minute he joined the NCR rangers he has had flying colours. Quickly elevated to the rank of Sergeant after taking control of his squad once the sergeant scare crows, had died, Roland defeated a 20 strong platoon (powder gangers) with his 8 man squad (Using mines and Roland was able to force the opposing force to surrender by making them believe they were out numbered, end result: 6 casualties opfor, 1 casualty NCR by the time they realised they had been tricked, they had already been disarmed) Roland was promoted to Captain for this (Skipping Leiutenant entirely, much to the annoyance of some of his comrades) After leading his platoon into the heart of a GLF force undercover of darkness and killing many of them and the regulators who also attacked the camp half way through Rolands operation (Botching what had been an otherwise perfect mission) Roland was promoted to Major for getting the majority of his soldiers out alive and causing significant damage to the other forces (6 NCR casualties, 7 regulator, 15 GLF) Major Roland is now in control of Gladius special operations squad

Personality: A natural born soldier, Roland has visions of out striping his father in rank. Driven by his proud nature, Roland has heard of the old world, before it became... this... and wishes to restore that world. Like his father, he see's the NCR as the best shot at doing this. Roland is honest but will lie when he needs to. Roland is a bit of a show off, but he values the lives of his fellow NCR troopers and citizens highly


Notable Traits:

Accurate: Roland is known for being a good shot with both Assualt rifles and Pistols

Intelligent: Roland is notable for having above average intelligence

Show off: Roland is a bit of a show off

Over Confident: This has hindered Roland at certain times, on the other hand, it has also sprung him to continue forwards despite what ever is thrown at him, which made him stand out among other soldiers

Lack of experience: While Roland has seen some combat, he has not seen anywhere near as much as a man his rank should have. This can lead to him making some tacticle errors.

Edited by Brutii
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