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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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nah, nice char sheet, though.


*Posh older english butler voice* But of course it's a good sheet. After all, I was the one who wrote it, wasn't I? Let's just hope Macman has no issue with it. I mean, it refers to a lot of different characters that I possess, or interact with in the other Fallout RP, as well as the story I write, but other than that, I see very little that could be taken as bad of that. I mean, her only abnormal power is the ability to see in the dark. And that's not exactly powerful, I mean, I'm sure that a power armor helmet could have some built in night vision or motion trackers and stuff, so a girl who can see in the dark is like, cool..

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*Rubs hands together* THE WORLD SHALL TREMBLE BEFORE ME- Uh, I mean the RPing that shall be done between those two.


I had a completely random thought last night, would I be allowed to have the odd cameo appearance of Versing in the story? Not as a full character, of course, he could even just be mentioned by his legion title by legionairres, or NCR troopers saying they heard legionairres speakin about it or something. If I am allowed, I won't go too far with it, no more than the odd conversation, so no worries. By now he's back in the Mojave or almost there, he makes it back around the same time the RP takes place.

Edited by Flipout6
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I have updated Jace's bio, something to show his true intentions to avoid further conflict.







Name: Jace Winter


Race: Human




Occupation: Ex Master Chief Of The NCR Elite Rangers / Mercenary


Weapons: Plasma Defender and Plasma Rifle.


Armor : Ranger Elite Power Armor. This armor was designed by The Enclave as a solution to the bulky Mark II armor they currently wore. By using advanced exo-skeleton technology and adaptive armor plating they created Mark X armor. Only a prototype was ever made, The NCR gained control of it and reversed engineered their own set of power armor. Not as superior as Mark X but it still has the benefits and drawbacks of its parent armor. Increased dexterity and movement speed for lack of armor plating and a vulnerability to armor-piercing rounds and Plasma weaponry.


Backstory: Jace Winters is an Ex-Enclave Special Forces soldier that defected to the NCR. He witnessed the Enclave's genocidal mission in the Capital Wasteland, after stealing the Mark X Power Armor and a Vertibird he flew to California where he landed. The NCR struck a deal with him, he would train and lead the Elite Rangers under command of Chief Hanlon. He trained the team well and their first deployment was Helios One, the mission was successful. After several skirmishes the small force of twenty soldiers became the NCR's greatest Black Ops Asset. They were deployed in full at Boulder City, there Chief Hanlon and General Oliver detonated the city and The Elite Rangers fought bravely and died honorably. After the battle the men and women of The Elite Rangers were declared dead and never given full burial rights and honors, the memorial of the rangers and troopers that died at boulder city was erected without their names. He left for the mercenary trade, setting his reputation as being the merc to keep his word and his balls, never having broken a deal with any company but he does come with three rules "No Women, No Kids and No Innocents" He has since grown weary of shiftless mercenary work and has dedicated himself to atoning for his crimes. He still posses his normal gruff attitude and cynical outlook.

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Hey there! Here is my newest sheet, i want to get involved with your action packed story arc, and i saw the Regulator HQ as a good starting point for my newest character, Meet the Sheriff. :biggrin:


Name: Ariana West (people just call her Sheriff)






Race: Human


Age: 31


Appearance: Sheriff is a tall woman, standing at 6ft2. She has finely tanned skin, and a head of brunette hair. Her face is square shaped, with high cheekbones and a chiselled, square set jawline. She is considered to be beautiful by most people she encounters, and it is helped by her good demeanour. Her eyes are a light brown, more a shade of yellow. Se wears purple lipstick, and defines her eyes further with dark, thick lines of eyeliner, and her eyelashes are curled finely. She has thin, curved eyebrows.


Armour: Sheriff wears a very well kept set of clothing. A black shirt sits underneath a white waistcoat, with a large purple star printed on its side. The waistcoat is always done up, and is further covered by a fine black leather duster, with a purple inside. Her trousers are brown leather, and are covered by shin-length boots, which feature metal heels and shin-pads. Her hands are bound in a pair of leather fingerless gloves, and steel wristguards. She wears a double choker around her neck, and a purple sheriff's hat atop her head. On the left side of her duster, she has a golden lawman's badge.


Occupation: Regulator (Known as the Sheriff due to her skill removing evil)


Weapons: A set of four weapons known as "The Four Ways To Die", they consist of War, Peace, Love and Hate. War and hate are lightweight double barreled shotguns, and Peace and Love are a pair of Silver revolvers, with pink and purple grips respectively.


Other: (Companions etc)


Backstory: Ariana was born out on the wasteland, to a pair of farmers. her life was tough, and her upbringing brought out the best in her, she knew how to do a days work, and was hugely thankful for whatever gifts she received on birthdays and other occasions. She assisted people in there times of need, and grew to hate the selfish and evil. As she grew up, she heard of the vigilante's know as the regulators, like knights in worn dusters and cowboy hats, they rescued people from harm, and dealt swift justice to the evil. She knew that one-day, she could have a chance at joining them, she knew how to use a gun already, to protect the ranch, and was in top physical condition from long days of work.


Soon as she was old enough to leave, and her parents were able to hire hands to help out at the farm, her mother revealed a secret to Ariana: She was once a regulator herself. she presented her daughter a wooden box, containing two finely looked after silver revolvers, Ariana was in awe, this was amazing news, and her dream was a few steps closer.


So with all her pay from the last few months working with her parents, she went into town and purchased a tattered regulator style outfit, and set about finding the regulator HQ.


Not long after she arrived there, the workload came piling in, as did the money, she executed evil with such resolve and dedication, the regulators helped her onto bigger contacts.


After 10 years of exterminating evil, and helping people with there problems, people around the Mojave began to call her "The Sheriff" this idea was made reality when Ariana had herself a uniform made from the finest materials her money could buy, and her transformation into the sheriff was complete.


She still carries out Regulator duties to this day, murdering evil with her arsenal of weapons, and helping the innocent solve their problems.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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This character has absolutely Zer0 similarities to the Sheriff of Lynchwood in BL2. (cwatididthar?)


Still, I personally approve. Thing she has most in common with the Sheriff of Lynchwood is her looks and perhaps weapons. (I'd like to add that I shot her Borderlands 2 self in the face several times with a sniper rifle and killed all her friends.)

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