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Lighting issues


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Hello, so, I've been looking for a solution for this issue, and I've found a post on steam, sadly I couldn't find it anywhere now, but basically they had the same issue as me: an overly bright lighting, although I'm assuming some slightly different reasons. Anyway, there was a solution there, which said something about the background infinitely looping or something? sorry, can't remember, but they advised the poster to use the command "teofis", and when I tried that, it worked as intended and it wasn't blinding anymore. Now, this isn't a big issue, but it is quite annoying as I have to type the command every time I start the game. Is there any way to make this go away? (there are no mods that I have that change the lighting in any way, I could be wrong but I checked and none of them is supposed to do this, so I don't think this is a mod issue) Basically, I'd like to know what would be causing the problem here OR at the very least, if I could somehow make it that the game uses the command automatically to be less annoying, that'd be nice.

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