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Is Mator Smash useless for SE without ESL support?


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I have a lot of mods and rely on Wrye Bash for merging them together. I also use Merge Plugins to make my own merged armor and weapon mods. In the past you could add your bashed patch (merges) to your smashed patch but it seems my bashed patch is greyed out now and I cannot add it.


I imagine this really isn't a good thing since every mod deactivated by Wrye Bash isn't being integrated into the smashed patch.


After looking over my esp list in the Mator Smash menu I noticed there are several other patches that cannot be checked to include them into the smash patch also. I've been pondering what the common denominator is between these patches and came to the conclusion that maybe Mator Smash is ignoring them because they incorporate esl's or esl flagged esp's.


I really love using Mator Smash but without esl support (especially since everyone is esl flagging their patches these days) should I go back to using just Wrye Bash?


What is the current and best way to patch Skyrim SE these days?



EDIT: Ok, its true I guess. I had GMO - Pets of Skyrim Overhaul included in my Bashed Patch merge and it was stopping Mator Smash from including my bashed patch. So I removed that mod from my bashed patch and now everything is fine.


But what does that mean for all of those ESL flagged patches that Mator Smash is completely ignoring?

Edited by Murielkai
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I used to be a great fan of Mator Smash too (and also used to recommend it to other people). Unfortunately it doesn't support ESLs or ESL-flagged ESPs. Besides that, the tool seems more or less abandoned - which is a pity. I really like the concept, but Mator Smash needs an update...


Nowadays, I went back to good old Wrye Bash. It still gets uptdated on a regular basis and it comes with ESL support. Besides that, it is very easy to use.

While it is true, that Mator Smash can incorporate more data into its "smashed patch", "Wrye Bash" IMHO covers everything you really need. At least for me, it works flawlessly.

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  • 5 months later...

I don't know about whether or not you're talking about the records inside esl's or the whole issue with it counting an esl as an esp as far as load order is concerned, but I think I just found away round the latter. The first Smashed Patch you'll make needs to be under 255 mods. That's known by most who use Mator Smash. What I just "discovered" is that by leaving the old Smashed Patch checked, you can smash any number of new mods together with no issue. The issue occurs when Mator Smash tries to create a new patch to put into the load order, which may be over 255, but it seems to have no problems inserting new data into an already created patch. I'm hoping this helps and is not just a post by a dummy who happens to be late to the party.

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