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Taran Tactical 2011 Combat master;John Wick 3 end pistol


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First time here and asking if someone could make this pistol asap :smile:
I ask asap because I want to start playin again fallout 4 throught... already got over 1000hours clocked on this game xD
I dont mean to be unappreciative, quite the opposite. I have utmost respect to all modders and would do this own if I would be so gifted but im not..
I love this gun, I got it as airsoft soon.
I first met it at John Wick 3 movie

Its pretty damn powerful and stabile so I guess it goes to be one of most powerful ones ingame.
It uses 9mm Major but I guess some other powerful bullet for ingame does the trick, perhaps 10mm since 9mm is easy to find.
Thank you in advance <3

Edited by Warmistress
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Damn, that's a nice looking gun! :happy: There are plenty of weapons (guns mostly) that I'd love to see added to Fallout 4 by modders, myself! Unfortunately, most, if not all of them, will not be made. Either because the modders that I would want to make them are busy with their own (awesome) projects, or because of copyright issues. (A lot of them would be from the Call of Duty franchise. The quality of the games has been declining somewhat for quite some time, but I think they have a ton of great looking weapons. ^__^"

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