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Visible horizont in more distance (not just textures or objects)


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i found and also used some mods that enhances the distance terrain. It's cool but that just enhances visible textures and adds more visible objects. What i mean is something different. I have been searching for some info, mods or ini tweaks here on nexus as well as on google, but couldn't find anything. Everything is just about enhanced textures and more visible objects. And tbh i don't understand why anyone didn't see or doesn't care about this quite visible issue. What i mean is that the map has too low limit for visibility. And i mean whole map. Not just textures. Well, most of the time, you can't see the "earth's" horizont in Skyrim, because most of the time there are mountains that prevents you to see that. And until you see it like this, everything is fine. But if you will go on some high point, like the mountain where the greybeards lives or more other places (it's not so rare), you will get this: http://imageshack.us/a/img6/9463/tesv2012100515235560.jpg It's not sea. There is missing map. Well, there is better places to show that, but i was just on this place, so i took SS from this place. But if you think this is the sea, go to some high point and you will see what i mean. I mean, in real life you should still see the terrain till it merges with the sky, even if you see almost no details of that terrain because it's very far. But in Skyrim, there is this space between the map and the sky. Simply because the game doesn't load the map for so far distance. Is there any tweaks in ini file that would enhance this? Or some mod? Because such issue is too bad for so otherwise nice looking game. Maybe if there would be at least some coulisse. It's cheap, but it would still look much better than now.

Also thanks to this the sunset is problem too. Because the sun is setting only till the end of the sky. Not behind the horizont. So if you watch the sunset where no mountains prevents you to see clean horizont, you will get really weird and unrealistic sunset. Plus the sun doesn't even actually setting behind the "nothingness". It's actually fading once it reaches the edge until it disappear.s. The best sunset for me has Far Cry 2. Wish it would look like that in Skyrim. And the horizont too. Because it's otherwise very pretty looking game.



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