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Game Processes Slow (Not Fps!)


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As shortly described in the description, it seems my Skyrim has suddenly started loading in strange ways. I added the Build your own house mod, and updated Staves of Skryim, while finding none of my problems to be previously addressed. I was trying to build my home and the game is loading things like when I chop wood- it takes maybe 20 minutes before it says 2 firewood added and actually gives it to me. Same with killing a dragon, I can stand there for a half hour and the dragon won't burn up or give a soul. However I can still fight fine and hit things, but a spell like meteor which has to process something extra first doesn't show up. These are strange things for me to be getting loading slow, but the game its self runs quite fast- usually around 60 fps. Any ideas what the heck is doing this or if someone has encountered this kind of problem before I could really use the help.
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I tried loading different saves and it seems to be only recent ones- other characters and earlier back don't have this problem so it is obviously save specific. I deactivated staves and build your own home however which did not fix the problem. I have a feeling this is an issue with some scripts that tried to run way back with Travel Lanters and Staves where both mods have a state change in the item to turn on a light. They suddenly had gotten slow to respond to the state of the lights and I believe may be mixed up and dragging back processes some how if it can even work like that. This is just conjecture anyhow.
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