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Adding completely new bard songs that bards can play?


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So I have found this amazing cover of a song (that I have the permission to mod for ,of course) and I'm not sure how to add new ones.




Plus, I'm not sure whether there is a lip sync tool in the CK or not, searching online tells me that they have disabled it I guess. So any third party tools for doing so?


edit: corrected some typos

Edited by powerofthree
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I've never added bard songs, so I can't really help you there, apart from telling you that you'll almost certainly need a fuz extractor to convert your tune into a usable format. However, the CK does have a lip sync generator.


Odds are that you'll need two separate files - the music, and the vocals. NPC dialogue in the CK is limited to 149 characters per line, so if you want to create .LIP files (lip sync files), the vocals will need to divided into pieces of that length or less. This is the reason why vanilla bard songs have those awkward, long pauses in between lines - a song isn't a single XWM or WAV file, it's a bunch of FUZ files strung together.

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I've never added bard songs, so I can't really help you there, apart from telling you that you'll almost certainly need a fuz extractor to convert your tune into a usable format. However, the CK does have a lip sync generator.


Odds are that you'll need two separate files - the music, and the vocals. NPC dialogue in the CK is limited to 149 characters per line, so if you want to create .LIP files (lip sync files), the vocals will need to divided into pieces of that length or less. This is the reason why vanilla bard songs have those awkward, long pauses in between lines - a song isn't a single XWM or WAV file, it's a bunch of FUZ files strung together.


Thanks, I already know about extracting the wmx files and the rest, but I'm not sure how to add a new song template into the CK. (I think it requires changing quests and adding new ones, I kinda have no experience with that)


Any tips? :)

Edited by powerofthree
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