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Unexperienced modder wannabe needs help


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Hi! I have tried to learn how to do my own armor in oblivion, and have therefore tried to read through a few tutorials. I have both 3Ds Max and photoshop (Pretty good at photoshop, some skills in 3d modelling, almost zero skills at making real mods for the moment). Unfortunately I got stuck quite early, because I can't figure out how to import the base models from vanilla oblivion (like upperbody.nif, for example) into 3Ds max, since it apparently doesn't support the .nif format.


So, basically my question is: How the heck do you import the models from vanilla oblivion to 3Ds max?

Sorry for bother you about this. Now I will go back to banking my head onto the screen :wallbash: *Ouch!*

:thanks: for any help

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There is a nif import/export plugin for 3ds Max here. I can't help you further since I use Blender, but I'm sure there are some Max tutorials up at the CS Wiki.


I definitely envy you the ability to export new skeletons, though. ;)

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2nd EDIT: Sorry, I did have problems at first, but I finally got it working! Thanks Sickleyield :biggrin: Looks like I can finally START TO LEARN some modding soon.


In case there is someone else like me who couldn't figure out how to download gmax correctly by themselves, here is a useful link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6927518053272120706


I did the mistake to run the file at my desktop. Let's hope that I won't need to bug you too much in the future :P

Also, since I'm already writing I would like to ask some smaller questions that I'm a bit unsure about:


1: I have read in a tutorial for custom armor that you can first import the upper body of a human, and then you can get a base for your armor by replicating it and increase the size slightly. I imagine that is because to get the size right, so that body parts will "stick out" later, but can I, after completed the armor, just delete the "flesh" part inside? (that is, if the armor cover it completely).


2:If I for example want to add buttons to a shirt, can I just create some new spheres to place there, or must everything be as a single unit? (I mean, can a armor be made of several separate meshes, or does it have to be a single, big mesh?)


Sorry for bugging you so much >< I have done a human and some buildings in 3ds max before, but this will be the first time I make clothes/armor of any kind

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2nd EDIT: Sorry, I did have problems at first, but I finally got it working! Thanks Sickleyield :biggrin: Looks like I can finally START TO LEARN some modding soon.


In case there is someone else like me who couldn't figure out how to download gmax correctly by themselves, here is a useful link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6927518053272120706


I did the mistake to run the file at my desktop. Let's hope that I won't need to bug you too much in the future :P

Also, since I'm already writing I would like to ask some smaller questions that I'm a bit unsure about:


1: I have read in a tutorial for custom armor that you can first import the upper body of a human, and then you can get a base for your armor by replicating it and increase the size slightly. I imagine that is because to get the size right, so that body parts will "stick out" later, but can I, after completed the armor, just delete the "flesh" part inside? (that is, if the armor cover it completely).


2:If I for example want to add buttons to a shirt, can I just create some new spheres to place there, or must everything be as a single unit? (I mean, can a armor be made of several separate meshes, or does it have to be a single, big mesh?)


Sorry for bugging you so much >< I have done a human and some buildings in 3ds max before, but this will be the first time I make clothes/armor of any kind



You can add the buttons separately as well as any amulets or laces or other embellishments.


You can delete the body inside, but you still have to have armatures when you export back out.


Did you get Nifskope, you'll need it as well, if you look at some of your favorite downloaded armors and clothing in Nifskope you can get a quick running start on what kinds of things can be done.


I'm having trouble with armatures myself, at the moment and no time to putter around and fix anything since it's midterms for me.

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my way:


install civ4exporter and niftools (each can export different stuff better, particles only work with civ4 for exmple)

open up max

import the following:


data/characters/m or f/upperbody,heady,what ever you make an armor for.nif

then just model all around basicly make the real life thing but leave out unnecessary details like hidden screw or stuff you dont see anyway... stuff like a screw or jewel can be made by texture if it doesnt extend from the main mesh too far... for some effects you should make seperate items tho but read on in the tuts on what to do for whaever effect you wanna achieve like transparency, etc...

also keep in mind to use as few polygons as possible whilst keeping the basic shape... you dont need 20 polygons for a cube, 6 are enough

once youre done you need to connect all the pieces to bones of the skeleton by using a "skin" modifier where you can also define how exactly they follow those bones... but thats a seperate chapter

export again

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The rule of thumb when exporting meshes is: colapse all meshes with the same texture together. In case you're using a multi-material then you'll have divide the mesh - select the faces by material and detach them.


Ok, just so I understand correctly: After the modelling is done I'm supposed to select the polygons with different texture, right click and choose "detach" so they become a separate object?


So in the sample below (ok, I lied in my first post, I have done ONE armor mesh, the very first model I made, but I'm far from proud of it ><), if I would want to have this armor look like in oblivion like it does here



where the base as silver, but some parts in gold, I would have to select the polygons like this



and detach them? and then all part that are supposed to have the same texture, even if one part is from the shoes and the other from the helmet, they are supposed to be collapsed together?


Sorry for bugging you again :wallbash:


Oh, and thx for the tip jaysus, but if I understand your description right, this way works best for clothes that are supposed to be "tight" to the body... which the armor I want to do this time isn't :( But I will keep it in mind if I ever make an armor that fits the description :biggrin:

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Sorry to hijack the thread from you amycus, but I figured it'd be more efficient than making a new thread for a question that's very similar to his original. >.>



I have the same problem, except with Blender. I've got the Nif script reader, but the problem is, I can't actually get to any of the files when I try to import. I've attempted to use the TES construction wiki, but my importing files don't have the File-Import-Netimmerse/Gamebryo thing(No Netimmerse). I've tried getting to the file through other ways, but it doesn't read it. Can anyone help me?

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Sorry to hijack the thread from you amycus, but I figured it'd be more efficient than making a new thread for a question that's very similar to his original. >.>



I have the same problem, except with Blender. I've got the Nif script reader, but the problem is, I can't actually get to any of the files when I try to import. I've attempted to use the TES construction wiki, but my importing files don't have the File-Import-Netimmerse/Gamebryo thing(No Netimmerse). I've tried getting to the file through other ways, but it doesn't read it. Can anyone help me?



Right. You have to download it separately...



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Dear God, I had to download some 5 different files after I downloaded this one. The other version of the Nif script reader I downloaded was apparently outdated, which means it didn't tell me I had to download all these different patches, dll files, and other crap that I needed. T_T



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