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Weird assymetric werewolf arm/hand issue


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Im using a custom headmesh for my character - I mean one thats manually edited.

Sometimes I get some pretty weird results when I change races due to that editing (I guess). E.g. Best races: The jaw is pulled through the skull and does a curve, piercing the back of my character so that the teeth stands out from the belly. Its pretty weird


Anyway, I never found a way to fix this other than starting a new game to reset the settings to their default (or overriding the previous sculpt in racemenu, but that doesnt exactly "fix" the issue)

I have no idea if the same thing can happen to a body, but I guess its worth a try

Try starting a new game and see if the issue presists, use "player.addspell 00092c48" to get the beastform transformation (or if youre using moonlight tales, the ring you get also has the option of granting you the beastform ability). Try without mods first

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One step ahead this time; haha, but here's what I did:


1) Disabled all character proportion and werewolf mods, including Moonlight Tales

2) Ran LOOT

3) Refreshed FNIS

4) Started new game


Default Nord:

I made the character and made no changes to the body whatsoever.

Gave myself the Beastform transformation spell.

I transformed into a werewolf and everything looks fine.


I then saved and loaded the game: stil ok.


Next, I bumped up all muscle sliders about... 25%


Turned into a werewolf and it still looked ok.


After this I increased the sliders to around 50% more size/muscle/height (a heavy bodybuilder character)


Turned into a werewolf again and boom: uneven arm/hand and possibly feet. Only the right (his left) side seems to be affected.


I loaded the savefile that had the 25% increase, changed into werewolf again and there were no issues.


So... somehow someway turning up the bodysliders 'too much' messes up the werewolf proportions. The humanoid character is unaffected and is always symmetrical.

To be absolutely sure I also made an Orc, Khajiit and Argonian character with the same steps (since those are the races I use the most)


On every single one of these, the same issues happened at the same intervals.


I'm pretty stumped about this one...

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Yeah even with no body/race/werewolf mods enabled it just gets weird on heavy muscular characters.

If you look at the werewolf from the back you can barely even notice the difference, but knowing that it's not right is kinda annoying.

And yes, I can keep all the mods. They don't seem to make it any better or wose. That's nice at least.


I just don't know what causes it. There is *something* wrong, somehow.... but I have tried everything I could think of at this point.

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Well, I found a ... partial solution to my problem.


I found this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45235?tab=description


After the installation I was just checking if those sliders change anything else compared to the racemenu sliders.

Turns out a few of them are actually different (the clavicle and spine sliders act different).


I finetuned the arms, legs and shoulders to look more... round? As in; the muscle proportions always looked a bit unnatural to me; even in humanoid form.

So after tweaking them and switching into a werewolf the arms don't look as messed up as before.

It's still not a complete fix; since there is still some (slight) difference, but I can live with this.


Plus, I am able to prevent my character's feet from sinking into the ground. When I have a very tall character this tends to happen.

The mod I found has a Z index slider which changes the vertical position of your character. Nice bonus =)


And yes, eventhough it's not specifically designed for the Special Edition, it works like a charm.

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