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Opening .dds files.


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I'm new to the modding scene and thought I'd try my hand at doing some basic retexturing. I've unpacked Fallout 3s texture BSA but none of my image editors will open it.


Paint.NET, which is supposed to natively support DDS, gives me a "There was an unspecified error while opening the file." message, while GIMP with the DDS plugin tells me it's an invalid DDS file.


Any suggestions on what I could do, or perhaps a image editor that can read them?

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Far as i know, photoshop supports it, i dunno about pdn and gimp. It was noted in a post about BSA unpacking somewhere that you needed to change a byte in the file to make it work with oblivion tools - might be the same here. I don't have my trusty dump-file-byte-for-byte-program here, but I'll have a look at it in the morning and compare it with the standard for DDS files if i can find that. :)
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Ok, I just opened a texture with no problems at all. I used ScripterRon's java tool to extract the .dds textures of the pip-boy, and then used the above-mentioned dds converter to convert them to psd. I am now looking at the uvw unwrap for the pip, wondering if i should try to change it and pack it back into an archive.

Edit: well not uvw unwrap but you know what i mean..



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