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Double Textures? Maybe Meshes? IDK....


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It is officially the "castlewallbend04_far.nif" in RAEVWD. Took the one I had in there out and the wall was perfectly fine. Except the wall being invisible from a distance lol. But getting closer the correct wall pops in, and stays, looking as it should. Took the same file from RAEVWD's archive and replaced it. So now it seems to still be there as in the video, but it disappears once u get close enough. This is good enough for me unless I can find a different copy of that mesh. Thanks guys for all your efforts!!




I just looked the file in Nifskope and there is something odd about it. Don't know if it is the problem or not. It is there even in the original Bethesda version. The NiTriShape block has a translation value entered while all the other wall meshes do not. Maybe that's why it is appearing when it shouldn't.


Any Nifskope experts care to take a look?

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