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Help, Harkon Bug & Lag


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hi, so, i was doing the dawnguard quest, on the side of the dawnguard guys, and when i get to the Auri-El's temple i saved and i quited the game, after a few hours i came back to play again, but, when i start the saved game, i get a huge lag, and i never had such a huge lag! so, i tried to take some mods out and the game worked, but some times, kind of five to five minutes i get a little freeze for some seconds, the most weird thing is that when i put all the mods on and i started playing with another character i had no lag and no problems

second problem, when i get to the quest of slaying Lord Harkon, i put his health bar to the end but he didnt die, and he standed there for ever! i saw some videos of how to kill him, and when ppl put his health bar to 0 he teleports himself to the blood fount and die, when i put his health bar to 0 he just stands where i «killed» him and keeps shooting me with his powers.... i guess i'm without luck with this character grrr, he was already in lvl 34!


please ppl, help me, and thank you for reading

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