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essantial suggestions to modding fallout


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here are some ideas i think are essantial for fallout 3 modding.



make dogmeat invinceble:


lets face the cold facts here. unlike oblivion,survival and supplies play an important part of fallout 3

and dogmeat help you find supplies.so,in order to survive the post nucleuer holocost enviorment you going to need someone like dogmeat to find supplies for you and thanks to the amazing art of modding it is possible to make him invinceble so you wont have to watch so he wont and wont be replaced. i was thinking on either having a scripted effect causing him to pop his help back to 99999999999 points every time he gets hit or make his health 99999999999 in health points its your decision.


mask of essantial survival:


no suprises here. just make an easly found item that makes you invinceble.



personal entertainment radio:


if your like me,your probebly tired of having to hear only marching band music on your travels across the land.this idea is spacial so heed my words.i was thinking about making a big radio station that you can hear on you pip boy.it will feature all music style such as techno rap pop raggae rock classical rock trances and more(but please no shanti and indian music i mean it). it will have talk shows,fictonal commercials,music style hours,and a spacial talk show reminding people of the time before the nucleor wars.i mean it,big stuff with lots of great music and shows all on your pip boy.


hireable help:


this is an idea you are sure to love.in a world filled with mutated insects and radioactivity your going to need help and lots of it.heres my idea. how about making a spacial shop where you can hire robotic minions to do the following:a healing robot that gives heals you and cures your radiation,a trainer robot that trains you in all the skills in all the levels,a termenator robot that guards you and dogmeat and an supplier robot that has unlimitec supply of all items,ammo,clothing and arms in the game.



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I really think that a blood mod would make numerous people happy, a mod where dismemberment doesn't happen and maybe take out the blood completely if someone wants to.


A good suggestion for those who don't like that kind of gore.


I for one applaud it, as I think it adds to immersion and is damn hilarious.


I would look into comparing the Censored versions with the US version, that way you can easily make a mod to emulate the censoring or uncensoring of either versions.

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I really like the personal radio idea. Although I'm sure the modder couldn't just pack a bunch licensed music along with said mod. But I don't see why the proper files couldn't be uploaded with instructions on what to edit and where to put your legally obtained mp3 files... I like it, a lot. :thumbsup:
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