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Vanilla Homes to Hearthfire Homes Request


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Please Make a Script for when we enter our 3 Homes (Morthal/Falkreath/Dawnstar) our Housecarls should automatically move in.

Housecarl - Morthal: Valdimar http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Valdimar
Home and Decorations Purchased after you solve the Laid to Rest Quest and you become Thane, then have the Burned House Rebuild into your own.

Housecarl - Falkreath: Rayya http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Rayya
Home and Decorations: Purchased after you become Thane, then have a Small House build.

Housecarl - Dawnstar: Gregor http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Gregor
Home and Decorations: Purchased after you become Thane, then have a Small House build.

Please give us Home Decorations for Morthal/Falkreath/Dawnstar.

Location: Morthal
Decorations list:
1 Small round table
1 Chair
1 Fireplace
Bedroom furnishings:
1 Single bed
1 Bed for my Housecarl
1 Chest
1 Dresser
1 Enchanting workbench
1 Alchemy workbench
2 Mannequins
2 Weapon plaques

Location: Falkreath
Decorations list:
1 Small round table
1 Chair
1 Fireplace
Bedroom furnishings:
1 Single bed
1 Bed for my Housecarl
1 Chest
1 Dresser
1 Enchanting workbench
1 Alchemy workbench
2 Mannequins
2 Weapon plaques

Location: Dawnstar
Decorations list:
1 Small round table
1 Chair
1 Fireplace
Bedroom furnishings:
1 Single bed
1 Bed for my Housecarl
1 Chest
1 Dresser
1 Enchanting workbench
1 Alchemy workbench
2 Mannequins
2 Weapon plaques
Make a Quest popup for when we enter our New Home (Morthal/Falkreath/Dawnstar) we can get a New Bard at the Bards Collage and have Him/Her move into our Homes.
Make a Quest popup when we enter our New City Home, then we can get a New Bard at the Bards Collage and have Him/Her move into our Homes.
5 Bards for 5 City Homes:
Windhelm: Dark Elf Girl
Whiterun: Nord Male
Markarth: High Elf Girl
Solitude: Female Argonian
Riften: Wood Elf Male

Edited by daventry
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Building Materials and Upgrading your Homes now lies with Modders instead of an Official Hearthfire Property where you can just build, but now with a Modder, you must tell them do this or change that or add over there and and no i dont like that.


I wonder how that Member with his http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18480 does it and we have a Mod that gives you http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10578, hence im making My Request easy on a Modder and have Building Materials Removed. The Hearthfire Homes are just Copies of themselves when all i want are Little Things here and there.

Edited by daventry
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On another topic, I'd like to be able to hire configurable 2 guards for my home - especially with the ongoing vampire attacks and other predators outside hearthfire homes (giants etc attack from time to time).


Melee/Archers of various races, Draugr, Skeletons, Necromancers, Dogs.


With configurable inventory would be great.


If they could work in shifts and go inside once their shift is over that would be a major bonus for immersion. (The code is already in the game for this because the steward already does it).

Edited by thefinn
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Please use the Edit Button and Dont double Post ;)


Theres a Hearthfire Guard Mod for your Properties :)



He isent Updating the Carriage Mod nomore, because he has stopped playing Skyrim until the Dragonborn DLC and he says Hearthfire is Conflicting with his Mod, plus theres no Optional File for Just Carriages and All the Carriage Mods makes me Travel when the Screen goes black, then when it returns, im still at the Same Spot on the Carriage. :unsure:

Edited by daventry
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Please use the Edit Button ;)


Theres a Hearthfire Guard Mod for your Properties :)



He isent Updating the Carriage Mod nomore, because he has stopped playing Skyrim until the Dragonborn DLC and he says Hearthfire is Conflicting with his Mod, plus theres no Optional File for Just Carriages and All the Carriage Mods makes me Travel when the Screen goes black, then when it returns, im still at the Same Spot on the Carriage. :unsure:


That guard mod isn't a great mod - the guards are there if you buy the house or not. They also aren't configurable nor can they go inside.


I use the carriage mod every day, it works fine - I have no fast travel in my games so this is my main way to get around.


I didn't edit because it was a different topic, you don't edit a post to talk about something new.

Edited by thefinn
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