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Battle of Whiterun - Massive stuttering


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Whenever I try and walk into the area around Whiterun to do the Battle of Whiterun quest I get massive stuttering. Not traditional stuttering often associated with v-sync, but the game locks up for a second or two, then plays for a second or two, and continues intermittently. It is completely unplayable. I do have some mods running which may be the culprit, I thought it was Warzones, so I uninstalled it through the NMM. However, that did not fix the problem. Also, I have to admit that I did not do a clean save uninstall as I carelessly did not read the directions. I was having some problems with Warzones so wanted to get rid of it anyways. Prior to the Battle of Warzones there was a Warzones skirmish that I had to keep walking around as it was causing my computer to lock up just west of Whiterun. I have a i2500K (not overclocked) and a GTX 680 so my computer should be beefy enough to handle it. I run a fair amount of mods, but not way over the top or anything like that, just the 2K retexture and Bethesda Hi-Rez update.


I should mention that the game runs perfectly everywhere else other than in this area. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I do a lot of modding, but not the most technically minded guy in the world, I just usually am good at following instructions.


Please help! I DO NOT feel like losing this save.

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that worked. Bizarre. But actually, when I traveled to Windhelp I got a CTD immediately after the loading screen came up. The following time I fast traveled to Riverwood and it worked. However, I jsut got a freeze up after walking back to Windhelm to check things out. I'll hope that problem goes away.
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