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"Dummy-Item to Multiple Items" Script for Crafting


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A limitation of the Fallout 4 crafting system is that you can't craft multiple different items in the same recipe, nor can you actually see how many instances of an item a recipe makes. One solution to this can be seen in the mod Horizon by Zawinul. In that mod, when crafting multiple items at a time, you instead craft a dummy item which is would be named something like "Ammo Pack - 10mm (20)", which then has a script that removes the dummy item from your inventory when you craft it, and replace it with 20 10mm rounds. That way, by having the actual quantity of the final items in the name of the dummy item, you can actually see how many items you're about to craft.


So what I'm wondering about would some sort of resource mod that has a script like this that other mods can use as a master file. Just a simple, generic mod that adds useful scripts for this (and maybe other similarly useful things) as general mod utilities, that other mods can then have as a requirement on which they depend so that they can use those scripts as well.


The simplest, most flexible way to make this work would probably be to make a dummy item that can exchange itself for a leveled item, that way you could set the leveled item to add multiple new items, include random chance and level conditions, etc.


If a mod like this exists, i'd be happy to know about it, and I'd be even appreciative if someone made it in case if doesn't, I think this could be a useful modder's utility for lots of people.

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