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How do you alter a perk behaviour?


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Hi y'all. I was looking for mods to change how the nerd rage perk works, specifically if I can add an item to be used or maybe switch outfits when it triggers. Say, like in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. intros, could I make a character truly "hulk out"? I mean, with mods like hotkey manager and buffout plus, one can make it happen, right? Thx in advance


P.S.: Noob modder here - I was actually going to post this at the requests tab, but since I thought it might be a lot more simple than it looks, I chose to ask for help.


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Pretty simple, can add any additional effects to AbPerkNerdRage, look at how conditions are set up there.


NerdRage ability has always a huge latency and low original threshold, it's nearly useless, and player dies before it can help. Some fix i wanted to try, but don't care much now - adding an unconditional scripted mgef with OnHit event might work better, for existing examples look at PA_MedicPumpScript (equips a potion, when health is lower than a threshold) or AbCourserSpeedScript (cast spell, pretty versatile, but is for single use, unless script is modified). Can use buffout+ in conjunction with existing MedicPumpScript, that's very easy, but must have some inside inventory - not very interesting.


If "hulk out" means a corresponding animation also, like supermutants have, that's not so trivial, i guess.

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Thanks for the reply! Hm, I guess I'll have to study some scripting then. I think there was a mod doing something similar to this in NV, with animation and even a new body, but what I wanted is pretty much to just add the stats bonus and height increase from buffout+ and maybe have an outfit switch whenever the perk triggers. I mean, it's what the perk was supposed to actually look like, from the intelligence S.P.E.C.I.A.L. video.

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Animated transformation with forcing 3rd person view could be cool. Some interesting things may be done still by regular means and easy to do, e.g. placing an enchanted explosion to push all away, or stagger, or explode..., changing race (not sure though, how simple gonna be - must handle gear swap).


From existing scripts this might be interesting FXEquipItemOnEffectScript. Possibly, to simply equip Supermutants skin (allow Human race as additional or duplicate as custom), interesting, what comes out then, think, i'll try it.


For height can use a script from Automatron DLC01:DLC01BotSetScale.


PS. Well, supermutant skin looks pretty ugly on a human...

Edited by hereami
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