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Anyone know of a mod that adds offensive Resto spells?


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Not something overpowered, just something to make Restoration able to be played stand alone.


I've tried Apocalypse and PUMS so far and while they're both fantastic, they didn't have what I wanted.


I just want a character that can use holy energy/sunfire spells to blast his enemy to pieces while healing those he deems worthy.

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There's at least one in Midas Magic. It's one of the ray spells, which both heals allies, and hurts undead in the same spell. A little expensive to first acquire due to the rarity of diamonds.
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It's actually well done. Nothing needs more than three ingredients, so it's not too bad.


The one in question needs Gold Ingot, Diamond, and either bone meal or glow dust. I think there are two, a greater and lesser version, but I'm not sure.

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