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BA2 Files


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Is there any way to encrypt ba2 files so they can be opened with fallout 4 but cannot be extracted by people who have downloaded the mod?

Well thats a bummer. I meant basically to make the ba2 file inaccessible to other modders


I'm making a landscape mod with 3dscanned texture stuff


I was told I can only share this mod ive made if the assets cannot be extracted easily.

Edited by FreddyBoy111
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BA2 files have no support for DRM. The system is designed so everything can be extracted easily. We wouldn't have this giant modding community if we couldn't get our hands on the assets without jumping through some flaming hoops.

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Well thats a bummer. I meant basically to make the ba2 file inaccessible to other modders


I'm making a landscape mod with 3dscanned texture stuff


I was told I can only share this mod ive made if the assets cannot be extracted easily.




Look closely at the Terms of services. For some paid assets it's enough to put them into a proprietary format (which BA2 is). No technique can stop you extracting the meshes, as the game always has to do that. They usually just forbid releasing assets as source material or standalone. Not sure where your assets are from, but you may want to ask their support and explain what you want to do. They will then tell you either "go ahead", or "No". This would be safest way and will ensure you're not committing any copyright infringement.


FO4 is intended to be modded and even all the vanilla resources can be unpacked easily. Even if someone would write something crazy like an F4SE plugin that allows encrypted BA2s, it wouldn't take long for someone to write the corresponding decrypting tool.

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