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New here and need help


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It might not be in good taste for my first post to be me asking for help, but I mean if I dont ask and I've searched (I have) how else will I know? Well, my issue is this


In the mod manager some mods install, some then show up as incomplete, but the mods im installing all have a high download rate, im very confused as to why I cant download them.


I know I'm new, but any help will be GREATLY appreciated

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Have you simply try to download them manually, than istalling them or manually or via NMM ???


Manually always works best !

(if you know what your doing)... but try downloading them manually ! at lest


best of luck



Im not sure how to download them manually, but I won't be an idiot, ill try that and see tonight,

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Instructions for manually downloading - and installing manually downloaded mods with NMM are included in my troubleshooting blog. Along with lots of other info for someone unfamiliar with using mods. :thumbsup:


Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. Any suggestions are welcome. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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