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GTX 680 4gb with enb only 35-40 fps?


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Hello all,


I've been getting stable 60 fps with my GTX 680 4gb and 3.33ghz CPU. The only mod i've been using that affects performance much is the texture pack combiner mod with high res textures. I've got everything set to ultra using skyrim settings rather than the nvidia control panel (8x AA, 16x AF, 4k shadows).


When I added the BLEAK enb (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24828/) even with the performance settings I dropped to around 35-40 fps.


I've tried turning off Anisotropic filtering and turning AA down, but it doesn't seem to help much.


Obviously these settings are a lot for any system to handle, but I'm wondering, is this the performance I should be expecting, or is it the result of poor optimization settings between the GPU, enb, and skyrim settings? Also, there may some redundant settings, like ambient occlusion in both enb and nvidia control panel, does this use twice the resources or that how it should be?




(Also, i'm not positive that this is the proper forum for this kind of question. If that's the case sorry, and feel free to move/delete.)

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