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Hearthfire Crash (Startmenu)


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Hello Dovas,

my problem ist that Skyrim crashes right when the Main Menu loads, when i add the hearthfire.esm to the load order list, if i turn it off, it´s like nothing happened.

Do some of you have an idea what kind of mods can cause this or have other people experienced this?

Edited by Zerofication
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I Found a fix i was editing the heathfire(s).esm and then i saw "WHATS THIS???" at the begining it says TES4 change 4 to 5 and WALA WORKS if it dosent work then im not sure why it worked for me!


PS: why tes4? its not oblivion


PSS: open it with any text editor like word, notepad also it may take half an hour to load the main page after this even but i hope it works for you!

Edited by partyoboomer
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This is just an idea which my not be based in reality but I am wondering... Since that's normally what happens when you're missing a master file, do you have update.esm active in your list? It might require it. It might not of course (I'm not on the right computer to check), but it's an idea.
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The first thing to do is to load a save made ​​before activating Hearthfire, preferably not in Breezehome.

First of all go to Steam, clean and defrag the game cache. Launch Skyrim, activate Hearthfire and load the rescue as mentioned above.

Try .... should go. Any CTD are then due to various MOD.

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