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[LE] Perk Conditions - weapon keywords and IsWeaponOut()


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Been struggling to get some perk conditions to work for a perk that adds an ability.


First case ;

- can't seem to figure out how to get a condition on a keyword on equipped weapon.

The CK wiki implies wornhaskeyword works on weapons too, but I have not been able to get it to work.


Second Case;

Trying to get IsWeaponOut to work as a perk condition.

Not working.

I am even testing in game via console, and getting predictable values, and later have a script detecting it, but can't get it to work in a perk.


(it is a perk that is adding an ability, if that is relevant, so I have to use the condition section on the main perk page, as there is no condition checks allowed on the perk entries when it is an ability.


any help is gladly appreciated.


(yes, I can do it later in scripting on the effects - but I want to control it at the perk level, as my assumption is that has better performance).


thanks in advance.


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