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ENB Issues


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So I've been trying a lot of different ENB's, some that promise performance, others that promise more quality but none seem to work with my computer, I've tried so many and with each I get MASSIVE frame drop and mouse and inventory lag as well, my computer specs are as follows:


Intel Core i7-3610QM8@ 2.60hz


Nvidia GeForce GT 630M 2GB (updated to most current driver)


I can run the game with no ENB on full settings with pretty high fps and barely any drop, so my question is, why is this happening? from what I've heard of, if you can run the game you shouldn't run into any trouble running ENB, I've tried many "fixes" having to do with the .ini files but none seem to work, another thing I might add, loading times are EXTREMELY long and rare as well when I have ENB active (3 - 5 minutes) this doesn't happen with the fresh version loading times are just about 15 seconds long, so I'm really confuzledd right now, hopefully someone can help me, I'm tired of trying so many things and ending up failing, hoping someone can at least tell me what's going on and what I can do to fix it.


A scan result screenshot of "Can You Run It" for more info of the specs and to prove I can indeed run Skyrim with High settings





Edited by gamp2908
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