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Lights fading out


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I'm making a house mod with a big pool in it. I've filled the room with lights, but when I test it, the lights don't show up unless I am near them. Eg, if I'm in one end of the room, I can't see the lights on the other end of the room. Does anyone know how to fix this?


For an example of what I mean, go to the testing halls, and enter the clothing warehouse.


This effect is very ugly. Help would be appreciated.

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That worked for a short time, but now I am getting the horrid effect again.


Do you mean it worked, but then stopped after a period of time? Or do you mean it worked for a couple, but not for the rest?


Try looking at the radiuses in the CS (use "l" to view them).


If this is a real big pool, it may also be related to your load options - I'm not certain if interior cells keep the entire cell loaded in memory.


Here's some more information on lights: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...2C_and_Lighting

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