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Classic Fallout style travel to replace instant travel?


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Hi there, I'm pretty new to the bethesda game modding scene, but one thing I hated from oblivion and continue to hate in Fallout 3 is the instant travel option. I feel it ruins immersion, and honestly is almost cheating since you skip a lot of the dangers that travel is supposed to include.


That being said, could someone comment on the feasibility of having a mod that emulates the "Indiana Jones" dotted line style travel from the first two fallout games? I think random encounters would be pretty difficult to do, but at the very least stop the player randomly in-world with things like "you're thirsty, drink some water" etc.


Thoughts, ideas?

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I love the idea, but I suspect the loading screens might be hardcoded (or at least the loading taking up too much resources to calculate random encounters at the same time). If however you display the traveling-screen before actually traveling, it could teleport you to one of a bunch of random maps easily.
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A fallout style travel would be a good alternative your trajectory is already calculated (when you have a quest)


But as another alternate way to do it: the more you're far from your destination (coordinates only not path) the more you're likely to have a random encounter your luck and a random number govern the probability of a very bad to good and even special encounter


It's mainly playing with number and arrays of locations.

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I posted once that It may be possible to link all the fast travel locations by a grid road so you can only get to megaton from vault 101, if you take the road to the town east of it, then to megaton.


If someone can host a map with all the locations (might spoil) I can try to link up the roads with a "web" so traveling is limited.


I also liked the idea of a separate area where you teleport if you go into an encounter.


Random encounters can be 100% possible with that teleportation to a customized stage. And it could happen when your using Wait outside in the wasteland.

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