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Looking for a lost mod


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Hey there,


as the title says im looking for a mod i lost and since i dont remember the name i cant retrieve it.

Maybe you guys can help me^^


It was a mod that adds some little containers (bout 16 i think)

They were located under the archway on the right of the whiterun entrance. (when ur looking towards the city ofc)


They contained many armor components. I suppose all of them were more like accessories since they didnt replace the main armor? Guess my english aint good enough to express it correctly.

For example there were belts with bags and shoulder pads you just could attach to your gear.

Hope you get what im trying to tell you and perhaps know the mod im looking for :P


Thank you in advance


Best regards,


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That sounds an aweful lot like "Ready-Maid" for Fallout 3,


I bet it was the same author, I think he pulled his stuff.

Anyways that's my shot in the dark I think there was a version with Skyrim assets for the game, betting he pulled it, best chance would be to google it now I guess.

Good Luck and happy modding

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