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I really love Mour by Teylin, but her fire breath shout needs to go.

Teylin did such a wonderful job Creating Mour. Mour would be perfect if I could just turn, on and off,

her Fire Breath shout.

Lol, she makes my other followers angry when she lights them on fire and then they all attack her.
It was a good laugh for a while, but now it's just another game delay and has become annoying.
I think Teylin may be a prankster at heart. :D

Does anyone know how to disable Mour's Fire Breath shout?


Edited by louisianahhh
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I really love Mour by Teylin, but her fire breath shout needs to go.

Teylin did such a wonderful job Creating Mour. Mour would be perfect if I could just turn, on and off,

her Fire Breath shout.

Lol, she makes my other followers angry when she lights them on fire and then they all attack her.

It was a good laugh for a while, but now it's just another game delay and has become annoying.

I think Teylin may be a prankster at heart. :D

Does anyone know how to disable Mour's Fire Breath shout?


What would be even better is if Teylin gives us a dialog option with Mour to to ask her to stop

using her Fire Breath shout. Then she could give us one of her wonderful sarcastic comebacks before

she stops using it. I would like this so much better! :yes:

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I really love Mour by Teylin, but her fire breath shout needs to go.

Teylin did such a wonderful job Creating Mour. Mour would be perfect if I could just turn, on and off,

her Fire Breath shout.

Lol, she makes my other followers angry when she lights them on fire and then they all attack her.

It was a good laugh for a while, but now it's just another game delay and has become annoying.

I think Teylin may be a prankster at heart. :D

Does anyone know how to disable Mour's Fire Breath shout?


Thanks to Jinxxed0's advice, I just used tes5edit and deleted the spell from Mour's spell list.

Done! Why didn't I think of that!

Jinxxed0 is a modder who has some really nice follower mods on the NEXUS. :)

It would still be even better is if Teylin gives us a dialog option with Mour to to ask her to stop

using her Fire Breath shout tho. I would love to see what Mour's response to that would be! hahaha

Wonder what Teylin would come up with? :yes:

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