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okay... we have a bunch of allies for the Empire... will there be no aggressors? I can't start until I get some you know...


Obsidian Knight, sorry I just noticed your edit and I have a few questions: is the central division a sort of Empire inside of an empire? or a government faction or an internal rebellion or what... becuase the Galoric Empire is the seetup for the storyline and I need to know what kind of things you want to rule within it... I would prefer that it be one of those that I stated above otherwise it would be difficult to fit that into the storyline that I have set up.

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okay... we have a bunch of allies for the Empire... will there be no aggressors? I can't start until I get some you know...


Obsidian Knight, sorry I just noticed your edit and I have a few questions: is the central division a sort of Empire inside of an empire? or a government faction or an internal rebellion or what... becuase the Galoric Empire is the seetup for the storyline and I need to know what kind of things you want to rule within it... I would prefer that it be one of those that I stated above otherwise it would be difficult to fit that into the storyline that I have set up.

Armiena is the leader of one of the Galoric Empire's legions, nothing more. Her view to the Galoric Empire is kinda erratic, actually. She wants to restore it to the Golden Age of the previous emperor, and isn't afraid to stand up to the legitimate government to achieve this goal.


In other words, she isn't beyond going Roman legionnaire and conquering Rome if she thinks things are going badly.

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ahhh, gotcha. but keep in mind you are not the leader of the whole legion, just one "small" division of it and a question: are you a leader of the army under Darel or the previous Emperor? I suppose I could figure that out by looking at your part 1 character sign up but I don't want too because I am busy(lazy) so could you qoute it directly out of their if the info exists and if not just type it.
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Alright, my part 1 character info was a bit unclear


Armiena is wanted for stabbing a trooper in the neck during a drunken fit. She fled from the authorities into the woods. She survived for a month on edible herbs and the occasional unsuspecting animal before they finally gave up the chase.


She has some experience with armor, as she was in the Legions before she was kicked out for insubordination.


Armiena was in the Legions during the previous Emperor's reign (and before that). She is now a commander of the Central Division Legion. That is, Darel's reign.

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