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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73617903. #73645423, #73645573 are all replies on the same post.

PlusUP wrote: I liked the old search feature. Pls put that in again (that search-pop-up). It takes to long to search through all mods when i press enter.
I like this design more but that feature was too good.
M48A5 wrote: I would also like my opinion known about the old search feature.
Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?
By process of elimination, I found that using "User" is how you search for mod authors.
BigBizkit wrote: The search popup/preview is still there. The search has not been changed at all in that regard. This seems more like a malfunction on your end or the search service struggling to keep up with requests.

It should still behave like this: https://imgur.com/a/Xt1dIAM

BigBizkit, PlusUP's question "Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?" is nonetheless legit.

Searching for "Users" when only mod authors return is confusing.
Unless of course you're planning to extend results to all users, which is something I really would love to see. Many non-mod-authors upload a lot of content like images or videos, it'd be really useful to be able to find them too with the search tool.
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In response to post #73638943. #73639038, #73639228, #73639373, #73639573, #73645613, #73646728 are all replies on the same post.

kat1004 wrote: Another unnecessary update to the site's design. At least the previous one was TOLERABLE. This one makes it so you have to click through more things, it's uglier than the previous redesign, and you guys still haven't removed that video at the bottom of mod pages that keeps popping up EVERY TIME you go to a new page.

Why am I not surprised that another bad design update was pushed without ACTUALLY consulting users?
Sonja wrote: "Why am I not surprised that another bad design update was pushed without ACTUALLY consulting users?"

I'm no defender of this site, and have my own concerns with some of the directions it has went in, and appears to be going in. However, in this particular instance I really have to wonder if (a) we are viewing the same Nexus, because I actually find the new design far more efficient, and (b) whether you bothered to respond to the survey....where you would have had the chance to provide your user input.
kat1004 wrote: A survey that was never made known to me. And a survey that at least 80% of users *probably* never saw. I tried the beta for about a day and if I'd known about any survey, I would've responded to it. I'm noticing a lot of problems. Namely with how many times you have to click to do things. Also, the top bar clashes poorly with the website itself.

I have mild arthritis in my right hand. Technically both, but it's always been worse in the right. I always have since as long as I can remember. And I'm right-handed, so I have to use my right hand for my mouse, which hurts even with a decent mouse. With the previous redesign, ugly as it was, I could get to my favorited games with a single click. I didn't have to use the mouse any longer than necessary to get to things. With this one, you have to click twice. Not the worst thing in the world, no, but that clicking adds up. I've already got arthritis, so I'd *really* rather not get carpal tunnel as well.

Also, what about the annoying ad that always pops up and blocks a portion of the screen? Another click, though that was part of the previous redesign, unless you're so used to ads that it doesn't bother you anymore. Not everyone can afford to get supporter or premium to get rid of the ads, and with adblocker, the download speed is cut in half.
Sonja wrote: Eh... the survey was right on the Beta page, as I recall, and pretty hard to miss.
That said, my honest sympathies that it isn't working out well for you, and that it's aggravating your health. Hopefully, they'll take your feedback here, at least, under advisement.
In the meantime, if it's an option, is it possible for you to create a thumbnail for the pages of your favourite games on your browser home page/Speed Dial? I use Chrome and Opera, primarily, and I find this works quite well.
kat1004 wrote: I never saw the survey, or I would've done it. Granted, I'm always being told I miss obvious things, but they're not obvious to me. And besides, I doubt they're going to seriously take feedback from the comments here. I hope they do, but I doubt they will. They didn't last redesign.

It's an option I've already done, but not one that I like. It's a workaround and while workarounds are good, they're *workarounds*. I'd much rather see Nexus care about their users who might or might not have actual physical problems than have to use a workaround.

(edited for spacing)
docteure wrote: it was so obvious, as a "banner" at the near top of nexus page, few weeks ago when they wanted users to try beta version and gave feedback. the "banner" was constantly there and also gave direction for the survey...so not sure how you missed it...or perhaps you just were inactive during that period, but yeah it was there for weeks.
vBrumenn wrote: I didn't see the banner for the survey aswell. I think I vaguely remember something about the team working "on something new" but if that's what you're speaking about how were we supposed to guess this was the title of a survey? Especially when nobody seems to care about what we think most of the time anyway?
Also I have pains in the hands and joints too (chronic diffuse neuropathic pains and wounded sciatic nerve) and the first thing I thought when I saw the design was "Oh sht tell me they didn't put everything under the big titles and that we'll have to click to develop". And guess what. More clicks. Another site difficult to check.
I confirm it hurts as hell when you have a physical medical condition and the site is now worse on accesibility for the purpose of unnecessary ~aesthetic changes once again. But again I guess we'll just have thrown at us the whole "deal with it/you'll get used to it" discourse except no. Pains won't "deal with it". But what do you want? Guess we'll use Nexus even less.

If I may ramble a bit: kat do you have a ergonomic mouse? It's a bit odd to use at first but you get used to it after a while. Surprisingly it does relieve my pains a little. I bought one during a sale to have it cheaper (~12-15€). It's still money investment but I personnally consider it as a good one and at least it is applicable to other websites and gaming now I don't know if it would be of any use for your specific condition but it is supposed to avoid a position that is messing with your forearm/wrist.
Soon disabled peoples will have to take more painkillers before even thinking about using internet because it seems there's a trend to do useless redesigns without giving a sht about accessibility on websites these days (may it be administrative/official websites or gaming/forum/distration websites). Anyway. Good luck. Have a nice day/evening.

I've never been able to find an ergonomic mouse in my area and I can't really afford to get a new mouse at the moment. I'd love to get one, though.
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Alright, after some time using the new design I've come to the conclusion that the new design is a complete rubbish. It actually made my depression worse, ahahahah!
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In response to post #73640703. #73641383 is also a reply to the same post.

OshMmf wrote: Could someone tell me how I can sub to the RSS feeds for new files with this new interface ???
Pickysaurus wrote: It's not on the nav anymore but you can still access the page by going to https://nexusmods.com/rss or https://nexusmods.com/{game}/rss :)

This is less convenient, could you please bring back those as clickable links please.
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In response to post #73640703. #73641383, #73650308 are all replies on the same post.

OshMmf wrote: Could someone tell me how I can sub to the RSS feeds for new files with this new interface ???
Pickysaurus wrote: It's not on the nav anymore but you can still access the page by going to https://nexusmods.com/rss or https://nexusmods.com/{game}/rss :)
OshMmf wrote: This is less convenient, could you please bring back those as clickable links please.

Your feedback is noted. We'll look into it :)
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In response to post #73617903. #73645423, #73645573, #73648983 are all replies on the same post.

PlusUP wrote: I liked the old search feature. Pls put that in again (that search-pop-up). It takes to long to search through all mods when i press enter.
I like this design more but that feature was too good.
M48A5 wrote: I would also like my opinion known about the old search feature.
Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?
By process of elimination, I found that using "User" is how you search for mod authors.
BigBizkit wrote: The search popup/preview is still there. The search has not been changed at all in that regard. This seems more like a malfunction on your end or the search service struggling to keep up with requests.

It should still behave like this: https://imgur.com/a/Xt1dIAM

Hoamaii wrote: BigBizkit, PlusUP's question "Could someone explain how "Author" is now "User"?" is nonetheless legit.

Searching for "Users" when only mod authors return is confusing.
Unless of course you're planning to extend results to all users, which is something I really would love to see. Many non-mod-authors upload a lot of content like images or videos, it'd be really useful to be able to find them too with the search tool.

We are hoping to extend the search to all users in the future :)
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In response to post #73644648.

RangerDulann wrote:

Tablet support is broken. I like to browse nexus when I'm on the toilet. Read comments etc.
With the old design I could visit any page. Now when I go to a mod it's a small strip at the bottom and I have to login?

But I can't login. I enter my credentials, press go, and nothing happens.


Safari / Chrome
IPad 3, A1416
IOS 8.3

Ouch, that's not right. We'll try and replicate this. Are you saying that happens on both Safari and Chrome? Does it happen both in portrait and landscape?
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In response to post #73642608.

MaximvsDread wrote: When I use the search bar and start typing I'll see the drop down begin to suggest things according to what letters I type as per usual. Then I'll click something and the dropdown and the search bar will close leaving me where I started never bringing me to any mod I've selected in the dropdown.
When I click the search bar and click the mods tab within the search bar it also closes. The search function within the search bar is broken. At least on my end. I hope it's resolved soon because that's the way I have always navigated the site.

Hmm I can't replicate that. Can you please provide me with the name and version of your browser?
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In response to post #73642498.

nonox97 wrote: When will the "Search by Description" option will be available again ?
Can you add the thumbnails in the notification tab, as it was before ?
Otherwise this is great.

The search option hasn't been changed. It's still available on the advanced search page as it always has been.

We're looking and possible improvements to thumbnails in the next iteration.
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