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Hey guys looking for a modder to create a new race which I think lots of people will like. It is a crossbreed of my favourite races Dunmer and Orsimer. So Dursimer!!!'


I know nothing about modding so all i can give you is some details.


Abilities-Resist Fire 25%,+50 Health    

Powers-Ancestor's Rage

Deal 6 points fire damage per second when enemies get close and take half damage

Intial Bonuses- +10 One hand,+5 Destruction,Enchanting,Heavy Armour,Sneak



I think there physique should be that of an orc. Skin tone should include all skin tones of both orc and dunmer. There facial features should resemble that of a dunmer but also options to add razor sharp teeth like orcs but they dont need to show and they can be straight. I also think there should be red,0range or black eyes that glow . Also include all hairstyles in the game. Plus quick question will it be able to wear modded armor does bother me

if it can't.

Also if you could add guard dialogue and any other dialogue where it states your race.


Thanks in adavance and if you need some lore i can make some up but if other people can give some lore ideas that be cool too.






Edited by arunpal
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