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Playing mostly with mages, I've been looking for mods adding clothes. And there's a Clothing category with many of them on Nexus. Putting aside the fact that most of them seem more fitting for prostitutes than mages or anything from Skyrim (kinda sad but I don't mind), I still have a problem : many if not most of them are actually (light) armours. Why aren't they in the Armour category ?
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I wish I knew. Probably because they look like clothing? I suppose I can see the logic, leaving the 'armor' category for things that look like armor and the 'clothing' category for things that look like clothing. I wish that if they looked like clothes they were actually clothes, though. I too play almost exclusively unarmored mages and I want more clothing than Skyrim robes and ugly farmer clothes >>
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Agreed, there is a server lack of interest in clothing in general, besides the obvious skimpy outfits for the ladies.. I had hoped to eventually replace most if not all of the vanilla clothing in my mod (currently W.I.P.), however the lack of suitable meshes to play with makes me reluctant to include this in my plans..
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