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[LE] CK crashes all the time....


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I was trying to go through some tutorials and I've noticed that I seem to have a lot of problems with the CK crashing.


It's crashed with a null pointer exception once or twice (not sure what caused it) and most frequently it has crashed silently when trying to resize the render window. And I've barely even started using it.


Is this typical? I mean I understand this is still essentially an internal development tool that was never intended to be a polished consumer-facing product but the number of crashes I've seen in a short period of time is rather discouraging. If this is typical I'm not sure how anything ever gets created with the creation kit.


Is my system just odd somehow? It's just the latest windows 10, nothing terribly unusual. If anyone has any tips or ideas for me please let me know.

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Bear with me as I haven't played "oldrim" in some time, and I'm trying to go by memory. There are several things people add to their creationkit.ini, many of which I don't remember, but I believe



is what will help stop *some* of the crashes. I think CK just wants to crash, so even that isn't foolproof, but it definitely helps. It comes at a cost, though. Once using this, CK will hang when you try to close it and you'll have to wait it out or use task manager to close it. I've gotten into the habit of keeping task manager open whenever I'm in the CK, for that and other reasons.


If you were in Special Edition, you would want to put that in CreationKitCustom.ini, which does the same thing as CreationKit.ini, but doesn't get overwritten if they should happen to change things. It's also more convenient to keep track of what you added vs what was already there. I don't believe the custom option exists for "oldrim" though.

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