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Argonian Female - No Dialogue


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I created a female argonian 2h warrior follower and when I try to have her follow me, she has no dialogue. I've tried changing her voice to many different females (nordeventoned, female commander, etc.) and nothing seems to work. I have her Disposition at 75 as well.


The only way I can have her as a follower in-game is if I open the console command and use "setrelationshiprank player 4" then her option to follow appears.



PS - this is my first mod, so please explain as plainly as possible. Thank You.

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I may not be right about this, but I don't think any vanilla followers will follow you until you've done something for them (or hired them). These favors would boost their relationship with the player, so I think that you need to find a way for her to start with that relationship rank if you want her to be a follower right off the bat. I'm not sure how to do that, maybe with faction relations? I've never tried it myself...
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