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Werewolf and Vampire Followers GREAT IDEA


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Ive got a REALLY good idea...


If you are in a fight and transforming into a vamlord or werewolf, your follower (if he is a vampirelord or werewolf) should transform too

and you should be able to infect a follower with the vamlord or werewolf virus... this would be really great



For. ex. this mod goes in the right direction its called Serana Secret by Sagittarius22 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23354/

but it only allows serana to transform, no other NPC -.- (and you are not able to infect somebody)

I also saw a mod named Tales of Lycanthropy... In this mod you are able to infect a follower with the werewolfvirus BUT 1. you have to ask your follower to transform -.- I dont like this idea, they should autotransform in battle if the player does... and 2. Its only for werewolfs... -.- 3. and the mod is full off other stuff no matter if you want that stuff or not.



I hope someone is able to create a mod with the ability to infect followers with vamplord and werewolf virus (depends what you are) and to autotransform them if the player transforms..



I would do it myself but Im to stupid for programming ;D but I hope I motivated a good programmer to do it, I really think the mod would be quite popular.

greetings friends ;)

Edited by nerofromde
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Amazing Follower Tweaks lets you turn your followers into werewolves and vampires if you are one, and have them transform automatically or on command.


My Aela the Huntress mod has her transform when you do, or on command.



thanks for the modlinks but I know them already...

Amazing Follower Tweaks 1. dont works for VampireLords... so you can turn your followers only in cheap vampires, not into vampirelords (so they cant transform into the vampirelordmonster) -.-... 2. The mod gives you a lot of stuff, wheter you want it or not, there isnt a mod which ONLY turns followers into werewolfs/vampirelords and let them transform for you when you want...

But this mod was the closest to my idea so far... Still not what I want


The Aela the Huntress mod only works for aela... so in my opinion...cheap :/


thx for your comment

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