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Crashing when Saving


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I'm currently playing on Skyrim SE with a bunch of mods (240 or so, give or take. I'm not over the 255 esp limit), about 100+ hours in. I've started crashing on saves and I'm wondering what's going on, especially since I haven't uninstalled any mods, installed any super major new ones since starting, or used Quick Saves at all this playthrough. I checked my most recent save with ReSaver and I have a high string count (Attached to the post).


Does anyone know if SE has the hard string limit of 65,535 like Oldrim does without Crash Fixes and if the high strings is the cause of the crashing? And if so, is there a mod out there for SE that can fix that a la Crash Fixes does for Oldrim (Like SSEFixes? I have that atm)? Does waiting in qasmoke for 30 days lower the string limit by resetting the world?

EDIT: My problem seems to be the same/similar to this. Currently reading the forum thread now for possible solutions, but I definitely would not say no to any sort of help or finding out the cause. Been getting TMP files just like the OP in the thread. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5415515-sse-ctd-on-save-after-hours-of-gameplay/page-1

EDIT 2: I think I figured out the issue. I don't know how to explain it in exact technical terms, but I think it was a looping script of sorts caused by my own accidental doing in game by casting a powerful spell (Lamae's Pyre from Sacrosanct) and going into a loading screen (Entering a building) right as it fired off, causing artificial save bloat and script engine overload.

Edited by SevereArtisan
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