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no pickup script?


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Is there a such thing in Skyrim? I know that Morrowind had one in the CS already there, I don't remember if Oblivion did, but I can't seem to find one in Skyrim. If not, would someone help me write one for a book? I want the book readable but to not be lootable so making it a static would probably not be a good idea. I am horrible at scripting so I'm clueless as to what to write even if I could figure out the new script engine. There is an option that says, "Can't be taken," when you make a new book, but it doesn't work in game. Any help would be appreciated. Edited by Mentha
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There are readable plaques, possibly what you're looking for? Off the top of my head, there are a few in Labyrinthian and on the path to High Hrothgar. Maybe check them out in CK and see how they did it? Edited by bootaka
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