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Yet another case of missing Racemenu sliders


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Problem: Racemenu Body Scales, Beast, Magic ect. missing (For some reason the paints tabs still exist :confused: sculpting works just fine too. )
TL;DR +info at the bottom for people who don't care about my lame context
(since who knows MAYBE it'll be helpful??? I'm new to this forum, so I'm sorry if this isn't the preferred format. Mod names are bolded to find them easier)




I only really care about the overall height slider (located in Body Scales), since I love playing smol characters. However, I seem to now be having problems.
As far as I'm concerned they disappeared for good after installing Tempered Skins for males--Nude version :hurr: to accompany my CBBE slim ladies. (cause lets face it, default skyrim bodies are ugly smh). I recently got really mad at Vortex after making a switch from NMM (Since it was discontinuing connection to the Nexus) and have now installed MO, if this makes any smidge of a difference. In that transfer, Tempered Skins somehow vanished from my mod-list. I decided to test and see if it was Tempered Skins that was causing the sliders to vanish, and the result of that was a big NO. I've spend the past few days messing with the load orders, making sure the XPMSE skeleton is loaded AFTER Racemenu(I saw a lot of problems relating to that), Running LOOT 3000 times...normal troubleshooting things. I've also scoured places like Reddit, Google and even gone as far as Loverslab to see if anyone else has my particular problem. (and yes, I also checked the post wall on Racemenu's nexus link, just not all 151 pages of comments. I went through about 20 before I gave up, because who has that kind of patience? I sure as hell don't.) I also have two presets that I don't know if I can still re-import after this gets fixed, or if I have to redo them from scratch (for the fifth time lmao)




TL;DR: Missing Sliders, XPMSE already loaded after Racemenu
Modwatch link below:



NOTE: LOOT initially says that BetterVampires.esp should load somewhere in the 60's range, before Racemenu; however, After four days of troubleshooting that mod (Was not using BV scripts for anyone wondering) I came to the conclusion that it needs to be loaded AFTER Racemenu. I believe there's also a conflict between XPMSE and BV but i don't think it's the cause of my disappearing sliders. (could always be wrong but I don't think so since It's functioned before, having been loaded after XPMSE)


Feel free to point out anything else I'm missing/loading incorrectly; and yell at me if I'm making a simple mistake somewhere (because at this point I probably deserve it if I haven't caught said simple mistake yet XD)

Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any help I can get. :wub:

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